So, I have finally gotten authorization to move out of the single airman dorms on base and get an apartment out in the Wichita area (due to a weird quirk in how our pay and allowances are set up, this actually is more affordable for me than the free dorms on base). One problem though: There is this great sounding complex that my sergeants recommended, it’s in my price range for a single bedroom, but they don’t have any openings until the middle of September, and my move-out-or-stay-in deadline for the dorms is the end of July (after that, they decide I want to stay in the dorms and go authorize someone who is actually going to move their ass out).
So, I’m going to talk to the apartment complex, and see if I can get an arrangement where I stay in whatever they have available (maybe two bedroom or whatever) for the month or two until the single opens up (and yes, I’ll make sure it’s in writing if they go for that), but assuming they don’t want to fuss with that, what are some options for having a place to live for a couple of months? I looked into hotels and such, but with a $550 a month housing allowance, I’d be out of money long before the middle of September.
My girlfriend has half-seriously offered to let me camp out in her dorm room, but that could get her (and me) in big trouble if we were caught, and I don’t think my stuff would all fit in there anyways.
So what else is there? Can I get like, short-term leases at another place? I’m shopping around for other places too, but I don’t want to get stuck in a place that looks good only until I move in, and this is the only place where I know anyone who already lives there. Anyone in the Wichita area who can recommend some other places I can look at that might have rooms available sooner?