Shorthand question

Hi all.

I’m thinking of learning shorthand – thought it might be quite a cool thing to put on my resumé. Does anyone know the best/easiest form to learn? Twould be cool also if it was something I could learn off the net, to save all that ‘getting out of the house and buying a book’ scenario.


I know Gregg, which isn’t necessarily the easiest but probably the best in terms of being able to listen to someone jabber quite rapidly while gettiing down every. single. word.

Advice would be to go to Amazon or something and find a book on Gregg. The lessons are pretty straightforward and once you get going, all you’ll need is someone to dictate things to you for “real” practice.

The thing about learning Gregg is that it’s repitition of the assignments that slams it into your head. My homework used to be copying the letters in the book five times each. In secretarial school, I had shorthand three times a day, five days a week. Eeek.

Good luck!

p.s. You are right about the resume – I have gotten many a call because mine was the only one that had it.

I know Gregg. Don’t know if it’s the easiest or not, since that’s what I learned and always used, and have nothing to compare it with. How about browsing the web to see if you can get a feel for which method would be best for you.

To be honest shorthand is something that is not used a lot of nowadays, I have been in the clerical business for 15 years and no one I know uses it. For meetings etc and minutes I speedwrite.

Wal-Mart does carry just about everything.

I was thinking that I too would like to learn shorthand since I still live and work in the dark ages where handwritten notes are still very much a way of life.

Of course, this means I will have to find a fountain pen with a Gregg shorthand nib . :slight_smile:

A “Gregg shorthand nib”??? Are you perhaps thinking of the Pittman method? I never used any special kind of pen for Gregg (used pencil most of the time). I knew a woman who used Pittman, and as I recall it uses different thicknesses of the symbols, so maybe it requires a special nib.

Thanks for all your comments! (Sorry I lost this thread and I thought no one had posted.) I will try the Gregg I think.