Our youngest son (15) just got a summer job, his first real job. He also wants to get a permanent job during the school year. My wife & I have been discussing this, and debating the pros and cons of him working.We Compared what happened with the others, and even ourselves when we were teens.
(The question again, “Should a kid have a job during the school year?”)
Here are the arguments we came up with:
*Yes, a job teaches responsibility
*Yes, it will give him experience
*Yes, it will prepare him for the adult world
*Yes, it will round him out as a person
*Yes, it will give him spending money
**NO, because a job will interfere with his school work
**No, because he’ll end up working all his life anyway, why join the rat race when he doesn’t have to yet.
**No, the chump change Ronald McDonald will give you isn’t worth a lower grade average. I’ve seen it before, this is what happens!
Of course, my home being a dictatorship (and I’m head dick!:p) I have the final say. And right now I say, No job during school! Work your ass off during the summer, but the rest of the year is for concentrating on your studies!
Can anyone persude me I’m wrong about this? I am open to any arguments that are better than “that’s not fair” which is his argument.