Should Alan Grayson apologize for his "die quickly" remarks?

gonzomax, Kolga, jayjay:

In addition, at least countries with UHC acknowledge that there are improvements to be made in the area of wait times, and put tracking in place to measure them, and resources in place to reduce them.

In terms of wait times in various provinces, some problems were found, and others still exist. However, many of the waiting lists were found to be longer than the waits were in reality. This was due to people on multiple lists (ie they had already been treated, but were on another list), people who had moved, etc. This problem of “phantom waits” has been largely fixed.

Another problem with wait list anecdotes, is that they are largely based on a very few people who often mis-interpret the wait, or their condition. If you have a minor complaint of a vague joint ache, you will not be fast-tracked for an MRI ahead of someone (even a dirty poor person) with a brain tumor. There are some people in UHC countries who don’t like this.

I think Grayson should apologize for all the extra-judicial beatings he administered. Everyone thinks it’s ok because his victims were, ‘criminals’, but how can we be sure that they were all criminals?

Because he wore a mask.

Huh? I’m sure you think you have a point, but it looks like you missed putting it in there from over here.

It’s not a point, just a joke. At least I think it is.

If so, I apologize for my tone with mswas (and will do so directly to him). I took it for a turnaround of the kind-of-stupid “Glenn Beck is said to have raped a young girl in 1990” thing going around on our side (as, admittedly, a comeback to similar evidenceless accusations coming from the right). I still think the whole meme is stupid, though, either side.

Nah, I’m pretty sure mswas had the same thought I had on seeing the Congressman’s name.

But in the case of “Glenn Beck is said to have raped a young girl in 1990”, the point is that this is exactly the type of slimy tactics he uses on people he does not like. Hoisting him on his own petard so to speak. The irony of using his own style and having him defend the indefensible.

If mswas is joking, I don’t get it.

eta: Thanks for explaining the joke Bosstone

Dick Grayson is Robin, as in Batman and Robin. It was a joke.


I swear to Og, if this board didn’t already have a head-smacking smiley I’d have to make one!

I DO definitely apologize for misunderstanding and then getting all shirty with you based on that misunderstanding, mswas!

He’s actually on his third career: Acrobat / Crimefighter / Congress

On a real life note, he apologized to THE DEAD

It is based on as much fact as Palin’s “death panels” nonsense, which makes it stupid.

It is offensive because it is a strawman which asserts that political opponents not only aren’t well-intentioned and wrong, but they wish death on people.

I can only stat that those who rally to defend these comments are the liberal analogs of Sarah Palin supporters. Just throw some dumb comments out there as red meat and let the ideologues feed.

Yeah, everyone knows Babs was the Congresswoman.

It’s all good. I actually kind of wish I’d intended the Glenn Beck Raped and Murdered a young girl angle as well, but I wasn’t that clever to think of the nuance on all of those levels.

As you know 45.000 people die every year due to no medical coverage. There are more on the no insurance list every day. If the repubs choice is to do nothing, they are condemning a lot of people . That has a basis in fact.
Palins stupid “death panel” remark was totally made up lie with no basis in fact. They are not equivalent by any stretch of the twisted lying republican imagination.

45,000 per year. Big difference.

Of course they don’t wish death on anyone, they are merely willing to stand idly by and watch it happen. Crucial distinction!


My mistake. I meant to type “year” but my fingers didn’t go along with that plan.

It’s still a fuck of a lot of people.

Agree 100%. I don’t think the guy needs to apologize, but it would be the right thing to do. That sort of crap from both parties does nothing to advance things.

Republicans have already made it clear they do want no health care changes. Since people are dying, their stance can accurately be summed up by Grayson. He should get a fucking medal