Should I change my username? Whaddya think?

I was talking one night with one of my favorite intelligent, creative, charming, attractive Dopers about this general subject.

I don’t have any plans to make a change of any kind, but I thought it might be useful and interesting to see what other people thought.

Most people have a creative nickname, whether it’s a fictional character, a physical description, an allusion to one’s occupation, and so forth. There are some excellent names here.

Mine’s fairly bland - I mean, straightforward. Yeah, that’s what I meant! :smiley:

Now, personally, if someone who’s been here a while changes his or her name, I’m against it, for purely selfish reasons. I’m lazy and don’t want to have to learn a new name. Of course, after the person changes, I get over myself and learn their new name. I may whine, but it all works out in the end…

In contrast, if someone’s been around only a short while and wants to change, I hardly notice. :slight_smile:

So I guess what I’m asking is:

  1. Do you think this name is fine as it is, or do you think a change might be in order? Bear in mind that I’m not leaning one way or another, and I wouldn’t make a change for the sake of making a change.

  2. If a change actually occurred, would it bother you? (Would you even notice? Don’t answer that, me hearty …)

Anyway, this thread’s mainly for fun. Whatchoo tink?

just keep the dan in it, and everyone will recognize you.



Hm, tempting. I bet I’d get more chicks then.

Ow!! Ow! Stop! Ok, ok, uncle! Just kidding!




(OK, I know that makes no sense…)

Funny this should come up. My username is along the same lines as Dan’s and I’m not altogether happy with it. I gave it very little thought when I registered and now I think it sounds as if I’m trying to be, for the want of a better word, ‘cool’. I couldn’t be arsed changing it at this stage though.

Sorry for the implied criticism of your username, Dan. No offence meant.

Nah, none taken, though yours is fine as far as I can see…

I think when I registered I panicked and didn’t even think about an actual name. I also didn’t think I’d be here more than a post.

Change scares me.

I’m confused easily, so unless you change it to poster formerly known as dantheman, I’ll wind up in some sort of tizzy. Or not. It’s not like I pay any attention to you.


Ah Dan, we hardly knew ye…

For five dollars and a box of chocolates I will vote whatever way you like. Make that a big box of chocolates, as I’ll undoubtably have to share with FCM.

Seriously, do whatever you feel comfortable with. I have no memory for names anyway. I just figured out last week that Gazelle from Hell used to be canthearya.

Well hell, any chocolate I get will go to TubaBodoni. Or is it LynnDiva?

And FCM! :smiley:

Where did “dantheman” come from? Is it your RL nickname? I didn’t put much thought into mine because it was a nobrainer. My nickname in RL is Jayrot so it only fits to be my “cyber-nickname”. Personally, I’m not interested in creating some kind of alter-cyber-persona. I just wanna be me.

I think you should too. (want to be me, that is) j/k

How would you like someone to address you?

I vote for staying the same as you are now. You are one of the names that I actually remember. So please don’t throw me back into hardly remembering anyone’s name…please don’t! :slight_smile:

Aw pshaw, I don’t think I’ll change nuttin, skittles. If I did, chances are I’d forget me as quickly as you forgot me, or at least had trouble remembering who I was. Which can be tough if you don’t have cookies enabled and you’re trying to log in.

I guess I was wondering if the name is recognizable enough that it’s memorable, not that it’s memorable because it’s creative or whatnot.

And jayrot, I wish I could remember that far back. I think the situation was like this:

There I was, on, and I saw a link for this place. Poof! I jetted over, read the latest article, then wasted time zooming through archives. Weird fellow, this.
Then hark and harald! I saw the link for “message board.” Now, any site can have a message board, and 99% of the time it’s populated by people who are totally obsessed with whatever subject the main site is covering. So if it’s a Ford Trucks site, you’ll see a zillion posts by Ford ubergeeks. W
And so I figgered it wouldn’t pay to come in and browse. But I did anyway, figuring I didn’t need to be paid. And I read some of the forums, especially those dealing directly with the columns.

But then I wanted to post!! DOH! Have to register.

thinkthinkthinkthink you gotta give them a name

Aha! I figured. All I wanna do is say this about that, so let me just put in a name I recognize (rather than having to really think of one), which’ll make it easier for me to notice when someone responds, but I’ll tweak it just a tad* so it’s not completely and totally, you know, me.

You guessed it; first thing that came to mind was my own name. Which is good, in a way, cause it made it easier to remember - don’t think I was cookified then.

And now you know.

[sub]*in cyberspace, a “tad” is about half a million miles[/sub]

I, for one, think it’s time for a change. You need a new name, something that really reflects who you are - your sensitive inner self, yet subtly suggests what you aspire to.

Something like Two Chimps Wrestling

Yeah, that’d fit nicely :smiley: :wink: :smiley:

This post is typed in jest. No insult intended

I could be Rally Monkey, 'cause they’re all the rage, now…

Whew - And here I thought I was going to have to go to counseling or something to deal with the change.

How about Dan’s Query ?

I think “dantheman” is a fine name. However, I’m probably not the person to be advising you on interesting usernames, since mine is even less original than yours.