Should I cut this mole off?

I’ve got this gross “cocoa puff” mole on the side of my neck that I’ve been thinking of getting removed for a couple of years now.

Earlier today I went to get my hair cut and the barber snagged it with the electric clippers. It hardly hurt at the time, but there was blood everywhere and it was hanging on my a thread. Two hours later the band aid he gave me was completely soaked with blood, so I took it off and it’s still hanging on by a thread and still bleeding slowly.

Since it’s already mutilated, I’m tempted just to snip the fucker off with scissors and have done with it. What do you reckon?

Oh well. I boiled the hell out of some nail clippers, disinfected the area and went for it. Nasty but it worked.

It’s bleeding neither more nor less than before.

When it heals up, you might want to get a doc to look at it. Irritation and subcritical infection during healing can be a trigger for benign things to turn nasty, I believe.

Thanks for the heads-up Mangetout. I will keep an eye on it and get a quack to look at it (once I’m in a country with cheap private medicine).

I really need it to stop bleeding before I go to bed. May have to dig out my stiptic stick or whatever it’s called.

I’ve cut off a number of small skin tags and moles. Key word here is small. I’d probably have done the same thing as the OP, if a mole had already been just hanging by a thread. Usually I’ve used cuticle scissors rather than fingernail clippers, though.

I’ve also had some raised moles removed by doctors. The moles tended to snag and rub against things, and were constantly irritated.

Glad I’m not alone in this. It didn’t hurt btw. The mole part actually seemed to have no nerves at all. The place where the barber got me was clearly the part of the neck pulled outwards by it because it did sting.

I’m all disinfected and band-aided now, and the bleeding seems to have stopped. I shall call it serendipity.

If it Buggs you out, then yes cut it off.

I was kind of hoping this would be a John le Carré-esque discussion of when to stop paying a double agent. :slight_smile:

No, I’m the wart. Growth. Cut it – here’s a quarter – off with supervision.

I had a few of them – weird stuff. I usually shave harder next time, but ToeJam, lance that boil and report back, because I really NEED to know.

Actually kind of interesting. I would say seriously cut it off and see what happens, but that’s my serious-minded uncle speaking.

Ohhhhhh wow! I just realized you already cut it off…need to start reading all the posts b4 I reply:smack:

I’ve removed several moles and skin tags myself. Never had an issue besides the initial bleeding, and they all healed up with no scar and never grew back.

Yes-if you don’t want the little lowlife to get any part of your inheritance, then you are under absolutely no obligation to do so.

And get a new barber.

Second! I’m glad it (seems to have) worked out okay for you in the end. I feel for you, though. I had a bad experience with an ear-lengthener when I went to get a haircut the day after I got my eyebrow pierced. It sucks! :frowning:

Either the haircut sapped me of my mental prowess, or I’m having a bad brain day, or there are many things in this thread that make no objective sense.

Autocorrect error?



I would get another barber, except where I am there are no others. He’s a really nice guy and was very embarrassed and apologetic. I didn’t tip him this time. Then he wished me a Merry Christmas. We waved at each other in the village today.

Perhaps it’s the removed mole?

Mole mangler!

He molected me.

Reading this message board is really enlightening in terms of seeing how other people treat their skin…

I also would snip it off. Make sure you alcohol the clippers or hold it under a flame to sterilize it. I will bet it grows back though. Moles usually do unless even when you get them professionally removed

Post #2. :stuck_out_tongue: