I wanted to consult with the collective wisdom here at the SDMB…
I have a 2004 Toyota 4Runner with 239,997 miles on it. I bought it new back in Feb 2004. It is now the third car in the family – my son has been driving it during school breaks when he’s home from college. He graduates next week, and I was hoping my son could drive it for a few months at least while he starts his new job and collects a paycheck or two. Once he got a newer vehicle, I was probably going to sell it later this summer.
So I took it into the Toyota dealership service department this morning because I knew there were a few things wrong with it, including the power steering not working, and inoperative rear window, rear window defroster, and rear window windshield wiper. It sounded like it also needed a new muffler.
The vehicle hadn’t been driven in a couple of months, so I had to trickle-charge the battery first. When it started, the battery light stayed on. I didn’t feel like having it towed, so I headed off to the dealership anyway. On the way there, I noticed the temperature gauge rising. Before the gauge got near the top of the range, I pulled over and shut it down to let it cool off. In this manner, I made it the 3 miles to the dealer. No other warning lights came on.
It was grim when they got it up on the lift. Much of the frame underneath the vehicle is rotted out, including one main frame rail that was nearly rotted through. The exhaust was rotted from the catalytic converter to the muffler, with a crack in the exhaust. All four brake rotors were badly corroded. Brake lines were badly corroded. The rear differential body was badly corroded. The alternator was seized up, which broke the belt (which also drives the water pump). All of this was pointed out to me on the lift so I’m not just taking their word for it.
On the plus side, it has 4 good tires, good body (no rust whatsoever), good battery, and a good engine. The whole suspension was also replaced about 3 years ago.
Anyway, they said I was looking at about $2,000-$2,500 to fix just the exhaust and alternator, and many more thousands to fix everything else. None of this would address the rotted frame, though. They kept coming back to the rotted frame rail, telling me that the vehicle was really not safe to drive like this.
According to Edmunds’s TMV, the vehicle is worth between $1,250 (rough condition) to $1,750 (average condition) to as much as $3,000 (clean condition) on a private sale. But of course, it’s not worth anywhere near that in its current condition. The dealer service rep said I might get $300 or so from a junkyard for parts.
So at that point, the mechanic said he would be willing to buy it from me for parts. He offered me $250. And they’re not going to charge me anything today for looking at it. Is this a reasonable offer and course of action for me to take? Thanks!