Should March 8 be A Day Without Men Day?

Personally I think it would be awesome.

I just hope I don’t need tech support that day.

My! Looks like someone has taken the red pill.

What’s a red pill?

Oh, good. I need a day off.

Off to the Pit. Next time, bring debate.

New Topic: Should Wanting to be a Moderator Automatically Disqualify you?

Debate hell. Next time, bring sense.

I’d rather have a day without sexism. Or three. Or a few years.

Nava, female and working tech support.

Daring to treat the Op as a somewhat serious suggestion…

A day without <insert group here> protests are generally a means to show the impact that an otherwise unrecognized (not merely unappreciated) group may have on the community.

Immigrants may be unrecognized. Sexual orientation may be invisible. Religious minorities. Presence of certain ethnic or cultural groups may go unnoticed.

Men are hardly invisible in the community. As such I do not think A Day Without Men is relevant.

A little more context next time, OK LinusK?

I found this blogger who snipes about a Day Without Women on March 9. He proclaims all sorts of bizarre absolutions, but this is his best:

Yep, them dictators are all about equal rights and promotion of minorities.

Troll much, nitwit?

I propose A Day Without **LinusK **Day.

The concept of the “A Day Without…” events are to show society how much they would miss without an overlooked group.

I propose that LinusK try it out. As a matter of fact, I think every day on the Dope could a be “A Day Without LinusK

You know, just to see if we missed him. An experiment, you could say. Science!!

Personally, I wouldn’t mind a day without men.

Can we compromise, and just have a day without whiny MRA dudes?

Better yet: I know they’re a tiny percentage of the population. To make up for their small numbers, let’s extend it from “a day” to “a century.”

Now, now. Maybe dear LinusK had a meaningful point that was just miscommunicated due to the limited space allowed for an OP? No wait, my mistake, he is indeed just a lame troll.

Maybe we could hold it the same day the fish are having their “A Day Without Bicycles”.

I had to research what Linus was talking about, since his attempt at coy cleverness showed only the former.

I’d rather have a message board without this douchebag. I think we’re getting closer. This is the third time he’s tried to start this topic in the last 24 hours. Getting his threads locked the first two times didn’t deter this hateful misogynistic troll. He just can’t leave it alone.

Before this thread goes the way they often go for LinusK, I’d just like to note for the record that the ensuing mockery isn’t some sort of SJW/feminist agenda against the OP.

It’s more of a - LinusK is a tiresome dickhead who should fuck off - agenda.

Carry on.