In the United States there is an increasing outcry over the epidemic of obesity. More people are fatter at a younger age than at any time in recorded history, and it’s become a public health issue. In light of this, I have the following proposal- ban the commercial sale of sugared soft drinks. It sounds radical I know, even ridiculous, but bear with me for a second…
Millions of American children grow up drinking soda every single day. Probably more soft drinks are consumed than any other potable beverage- water, milk, juice or even non-carbonated drinks. For many, soda is simply what you drink when you’re thirsty. And just what is soda anyway? To a first approximation, it is simply carbonated sugar water.
More than one critic has called soda a “liquid candy bar”. And yet millions of people drink it without a second thought, even though they may be drinking the equivalent of a box of sugared donuts every day. Especially cola, which requires large amounts of sweetener to overcome the natural bitterness of the cola. It’s the invisibility of this thats so disturbing. Is any other source of concentrated sugar in the American diet- chocolate bars, ice cream, etc.- so ubiquitous, and consumed so frequently?
And yet Americans have been doing this for so long, that they’ve lost sight of just how unnatural this is. Sweets used to be a treat, not something consumed eight times a day. Maybe it’s time to do something about it. Of course you can’t ban sugar, and probably not even soda. But maybe grocery stores could be forbidden to carry it, the way they’re forbidden to carry alcohol. If people had to go to a candy shop to buy soda, maybe they would stop and think about what they’re doing. Maybe soda would be something consumed as a dessert or a once in a while thing, not used as a replacement for water.