Should we go to GenCon?

We’ve never been to GenCon, and it’s kind of expensive when you add in the plane and hotel, but we’ve always wanted to go. Is it worth it? How expensive is it inside? What are the costs I’d need to look out for for events and such?

It’s sorta sad, overpriced, and overrun.

Just my unhumble opinion from living in Milwaukee and seeing it for six years.

But the guests of honor this year are Jonathan Frakes and Warwick Davis!

How could you not go?

Of course, I live in Chicago and out of town friends coming up, so it’s easy for me to get there and there’s more reasons.

Such as what sort of reasons? I guess I’m wondering what to do there, and what sort of costs to look forward to. The website is sadly lacking in any real information.

And who is Jonathan Frakes?

…and what’s GenCon?

GenCon is the big D&D convention held every year in Milwaukee. Of course, D&D is just one of the games played, but that’s how it started.

If you don’t know who Johnathan Frakes is, maybe you shouldn’t go to any sci-fi related events… He’s better known as Commander William T. Riker (or Xanatos, for the Gargoyles fans out there), and is also one of the few Star Trek cast members who should ever be allowed to direct anything.

Uh, I don’t watch television, but I don’t think that means I should ignore anything sci-fi/fantasy just because of that.

If I did know who Johnathan Frakes is, would you have an opinion about whether I should go to GenCon or not? I’m really looking for information and opinions on the entire four-day event, not just one actor appearance.

Don’t forget Willow, too.

I haven’t been to GenCon before, but at the gaming conventions I have been to. There is a very wide variety of people there. In a given game, you might have a good set of players, or you might have a bunch of yahoos who just want to joke around.

There are usually a several pick-up games too, so you can play something that’s not on the schedule.

For me gaming conventions are best done quite occasionally. I get my fix of freaks in, and am good for a few years. Note that not all gamers are freaks. Nor are all freaks gamers. Like a sports convention, it tends to attract the extremes of those who are interested in the event.

I went a couple of years ago. I had a pretty good time – did well in a Magic tournament, played in the Legend of the Five Rings world championship (I sucked, but I learned a lot about the game), bought some cards cheaply and checked out a few new games. Try staying at Marquette U.; it’s not as expensive as a hotel.
Am thinking of going this year, but money is tight and I really should go to Maryland to see my family there.

I’ve heard that there is some fantastic fantasy art for sale there. If you need home decorations, get a good idea of the colors you’ll need to match. Bring paint swatches if applicable.

Also, find out which authors and artists will be attending, and bring books for autographs!

Sorry, Throaty - nothing personal, I was in a sarchastic mood (just came over from the clone debates in Cafe Society…). I am a little surprised that even if you don’t watch TV you’re not familiar with notable Star Trek cast members - Frakes may not be the best actor out there, but he’s pretty versatile, and is a competent director too. No, I don’t think I’d watch him play MacBeth or anything, but if he was directing a production I might check it out…

Yes, you should go to GenCon - at a convention that big, there has to be plenty of stuff that’s right up your alley. I think you’ll enjoy it - some of my friends have gone in years past and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it from them.

Thanks, everyone, for your opinions! I’ll let everyone know how it is if we decide to go.

My advice, if you go, is PREREG!

People told us, you don’t have to prereg, 'cause there are tons of pick-up games. Well, wherever the pick-up games were, we weren’t. We ended up playing Amber all weekend (she said as though that were a bad thing.)