Should women be drafted into combat units (USA)

I was under the, I guess, false assumption that there was no draft of any kind…
So if there IS a draft, why shouldn’t women be drafted? If for no other reason then to do the cooking.

i dont think society will be able to tolerate it. leaving all political correctness to the side on both sides of the issue, when americans start to think about their daughters and girl friends being forced into roles where they will be shot or blown up by land mines. they won’t be able to make that adjustment.

Um, Robert…you really need to keep up with current events. Women are ALREADY allowed into combat roles in the military in the US, and have been for quite a while now. Seriously…didn’t you know this?

the draft is still an option.

Robert, could you please capitalize properly? It makes your post less painful to read.

What a bunch of rubbish. If you have something against feminists, why don’t you open a Pit thread. It’s ludicrous for you to speculate about what position “feminists” will take wrt the draft. On what basis do you do so?

I’m w/ MsWhatit. If there is a draft, men and women should be eligible. And that doesn’t even depend on women serving in combat roles. There are more non-combat roles in times of war than combat roles, especially now.

But… there should be no draft.

I decided to go off on that tangent because your actual point seems kind of dumb.

You decided that the imaginary feminists who live in your head would be outraged if women were included in the draft, so you wrote a post that only barely managed to touch on that issue and then informed us about halfway down the page that this was actually meant as some kind of anti-feminism rant instead of the half-cocked draft rant it kind of sort of originally looked like.

Talking about punctuation is more fun and makes more sense. If you see a red squiggly line underneath the words in the post reply box, that probably means it’s misspelled, and if you right-click it, you’ll get a list of possible suggestions.

the military recently changed its official position. that is what i am referring to. if you want to point out that women in the military served as MP’s or some similar position often wound up in combat, yes, i knew that.

yes but i dont like spell checkers. in this post for example MsWhatsit is in red and is very annoying. lots of words are use din everyday language that spellcheckers dont accept.

and i predict that feminists will be rather silent about the issue. either response for them is problematic so they will probably steer clear. but of course i could be wrong about that.

Do you have a cite that the military changed it’s official position recently? Did you not know that women have been combat pilots and serve on US Navy warships in combat? Several hundred US service women have died in Iraq and Afghanistan…again, were you unaware of this? I don’t see the public freaking out about this fact (of course, perhaps like you they didn’t realize).

“In red and very annoying” is going to be my next custom user title, if I ever get around to making one again.

Based upon the tendency of feminists to be very non committal on the very few instances where you can actually find examples of men getting discriminated against.

Right, because men have a long standing history of petitioning against their own self interest. It’s such a feminist double standard.

Personally, I’d like to see feminists keep working hard for things that don’t get women hurt, like access to safe abortions and equal pay. Begging to be drafted can wait for another day.

At last count men make up most of the seats in the House and Senate. If they wanted to include women in the draft or undo the requirement for men to be drafted, the power is in their own hands.

You can’t think of any other reason they might steer clear of this thread?

there is a difference between your wife daughter or girl friend wanting to be a fighter pilot and not being allowed to be one and being forced to be a fighter pilot. i dont think the public will accept the idea. i could be wrong but i think it is too big a stretch. i think it will be a case where ideals break down in the face of reality.

You do realize there hasn’t been a draft in about 40 years?

wont disagree with you there

I think you described it much better than i could. still it is a bit hypocritical if they don’t address the issue.

I doubt the will vote to draft women into combat units. I think it will be a source of contention but at the end of they day, no draft.

Well, if you say so it must true. :rolleyes:

Did you read that somewhere on the internet or did you make that up all by yourself?

I am a feminist and even if you limited yourself to the options of “men are drafted” and “men and women are drafted”, I still refuse to support the latter. I do not support the expansion of a morally abhorrent policy just to give it a veneer of “fairness”.

you do realize the cubs have never won the world series in over 100 don’t you?