Shower Rangers: Eat Shit And Die

Well this rant speaks for itself

Witnessing the decline of civilization …at warp speed

Holy sh…er… Fuck.

That’s disguisting! This “act” actually has a following? Sonofabitch, and I thought Marilyn Manson was disturbing. At least MTV had it on the right show.

“Dude, This Sucks” pretty much sums it up.

'Cuse me while I go scrub myself, mind and body.

How soon before some art critic chides us for our lack of understanding of the lads’ “artistic expression”?

God, that is absolutely disgusting.

Beyond words.


Wow. Just when Ithought that MTV couldn’t get any worse…

There’s absolutely no excuse for this. I hope those two girls break MTV.

What sort of bothered me about this whole thing was the fact that the girls’ families aren’t suing the actual Shower Rangers. They’re just suing MTV, presumably because MTV has more money and therefore is a better target for a lawsuit.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all in favor of their suing the crap out of MTV for this (no pun intended). What they went through was just…awful. But yet, why not also sue the people who actually inflicted the harm, as well as the people who were in charge of producing it? I don’t get it.

Save the servers; type sigs manually!

On the other hand, it’s nice to see young people who actually give a shit.

sorry, sorry.

And all I hear in my head is Ethel Merman belting, “That’s entertainment!


I understand Japan has much, much worse shows than simple crapping on stage - I believe the clip I saw was them giving a guy an enema


Well, the shit hit the fan for MTV!

Call me goofy, but why isn’t this considered assault?

I won’t defend MTV but wouldn’t the name of the show, “That’s Disgusting” sorta give you a clue about what you are in for? That and the fact that the girls in question were invited up front, next to the stage and witnessed plastic tarps placed around the set and over the cameras and technicians.

I don’t see how you can sue for stupidity.

They’re not suing for stupidity, they’re suing cause they got shit on. Give me a break.

ok bozo…you and tradesilicone can just drag your sorry “I’ll make shit jokes” asses outta my thread … :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if you go to a show and they start putting tarps on stuff, you can figure you’re going to get hit with something, but still, I think most people assume that whatever it is will be relatively harmless and at the worst might stain their shirt. I mean, I went to a production of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” knowing full well that stuff would be thrown into the audience. We got hit with water, beer, and tomatoes. And I was generally okay with that. But human fecal matter? I mean, grossness factor aside, that stuff can and does carry disease, and it is really not cool to fling it at someone, no matter how many tarps are up around the place.

Since I’m in Japan, I can somewhat confirm this comment. I love Japan, but I gotta admit - sometimes the Japanese are just wierd.

I wonder if MTV will follow up with a segment on the law suit. It seems fitting for a show with the title “Dude, this sucks!”
…what ever happened to good wholesome entertainment like Beavis & Butthead? hehehe


Yeah, and they should sue the nimrods who actually shit on them.

Does anybody think MTV had any clue that these two were planning an anal projectile hosing of the audience??? I mean, what are the odds?

Lets not forget that Gloria Allred(a minion of Satan) is claiming “intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence and battery.” How could MTV reasonably be expected to forsee something like that, let alone ‘intend it to happen’?

That’s whats wrong with society. MTV pays out big bucks, Gloria Allred gets rich, and the Shower Rangers get off scott free!!!

I dunno if the so called “shower rangers” will get off totaly free. MTV could possibly sue THEM.

Ya know, back in MY day, ya went to a show and the only thing you coulda got sprayed with was watermellon bits. (I saw Gallager in concert WAAAYYYY back before he made it big. I think I was ten. I am 36 now.)

This show was one rung above ‘The Gong Show’. The Shower Rangers are probably judgement proof. As they have probably have no assets, suing them would be a waste of time and money.

You’d think there would be an arrest or two over this. Is it legal in San Bernadino to spay people with feces???

Fast forward to 2025 when the women who experienced the Shower Rangers are asked by their own daughters for permission to go to a concert . . . .

If you can’t stand the feces, stay out of the mosh pit.

Hasn’t anyone here ever heard of GG Allin?