Shup up wiith the "shut up" already


This almost seems like you don’t care what a bunch of anonymous people on a message board think of you. That can’t be right! :slight_smile:

What if his owner took him to the vet for that, uh, you know…operation?

That much is true. But, Biff, the problem is also not his tone.
And as for the impact on BigT … well better than engaging to tell them to kiss his Asteroidea is his ignoring them, as he does. I’ve never put anyone on an ignore list as even putzes sometimes have intelligent emissions, but most of these folk are apparently on his. It really is his most rational play.

He really does just function as their Goldstein.

That speaks for itself. No catch phrase necessary.

Not here but in other online debates:

“Wake up!”

“Get with it!”

"If you would take the time to read a book on the subject . . . "
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

That’s how he’s able to reach to lick them.:slight_smile:

Maybe you should listen to what they’re saying to you.:confused:

A guy points out “pure rank hypocrisy of calling someone solely out for using a word that you used two months ago” and your response is “I think it’s a shit word to use. I used it, I shouldna. The end.

That’s “the end”? Do you think this guy agrees with that? I have my doubts.

Come on, man. He said he shouldn’t have used it. What more do you want? You don’t have to get all butthurt about it.

What point are you trying to make, F-P? Looks like you’re trying to imply some sort of Double Hypocrisy :eek: on the part of LHOD, even though what you quoted from this thread and the one you’re referencing are in total agreement regarding hypocrisy and optic mote discovery versus beam removal.

What do you wish us to glean here?

I thought it was the end, but I suppose FP wants to have some fun, and far be it from me to deny him what precious little joy he can glean from his wretched existence.

There are two separate issues.

One is whether LHOD should have made the remark he made in the prior thread. That’s the issue he deigned to address here. He said he shouldn’t have made that remark, and he said that’s “the end” of it.

The other issue is whether he should have made the remark that he made in this thread (i.e. impugning users of that term). That’s what Crazy Canuck accused him of. CC went to some length to make the point that this was his issue, and not the use of the term in the prior thread. LHOD’s response was to deflect that post by once again focusing entirely on his use of the term in the prior thread, and declaring that to be “the end”, nothing else to discuss, thereby excluding the exact issue that CC raised.

My link was to an instance of LHOD taking a stance against the exact sort of hypocrisy that CC pointed out here, and which he (LHOD) now feels to be unworthy of discussion.

Great, now I think we’ve found your error! May I offer a counter interpretation?

“The end” is an admission by LHOD that he has no defense against the charge of hypocrisy. That, yes he too has done the assholish thing he’s just criticized, that he shouldn’t have, and that he won’t try and justify his assholishness. Not because the subject is unworthy of discussion, but because his part in that discussion is to admit hypocrisy, full stop.

There. Feel better?

Perhaps **LHOD **could film himself explaining that through interpretive dance and post it on Youtube for F-P to see?

By the way, I have to admit the exchange has done absolutely nothing to diminish my regard for LHOD, his general posting style, his character, or the typically excellent content of his posts. If anything, I’d say his simple admission increased my regard by some insignificant factor.

Hypocrisy is a human failing, exhibited by everyone who has posted prolifically in a continuing on line forum. And even by less prolific posters like me. It’s not the self-reflective ones who can recognize their errors when they’re shown to them that typically need further “correction” by their peers.

But as usual YMMV. Have your own party.

As it happens I feel fine, thanks for asking. But I believe your interpretation is incorrect. The sentence which preceded “the end” was “I used it, I shouldna”. That was about his own use of the term “butthurt”, and was not about his implying in this thread that cochrane was “an asshole” for having done the same.

If he wants to clarify that he was indeed a hypocrite for the statement in this thread about cochrane, then that’s something else.

Dude, you have fun with it.

The full context is very easy to follow, it’s all in one post and that post is right up there just a few posts above us.

Here’s the link to post 147. If you need clarification after reading that, then I don’t think the exactitude of the exchange between Crazy Canuck and Left Hand of Dorkness is the problem here.