Did you carry it into adulthood ??
Did you dump it when you left home ??
Did you carry it into adulthood ??
Did you dump it when you left home ??
I didn’t have any. Being the youngest child by many years I was gracefully saved from the tortures of competing with my sibs.
However, my eldest sister suffered terribly with the advent of my other older sister and I, and she is now 58 years old and has not come to terms with it on any level. I somehow worry that she’s never going to grow out of it now.
Never had it at home, to be honest. It never occurred to us to compare ourselves favourably/unfavourably to each other, and our parents certainly never did.
I despised my sister for years and years because my parents were SO much easier on her than they were on me.
As soon as she got old enough to look me in the eye (she wound up being a little taller than me), I realized we were actually peers and comrades. We’ve been close ever since, usually best friends.
And it’s really amusing because our fates have flip-flopped from what our parents expected – she is the one with the advanced degrees. But we’re not at all threatened by each other’s accomplishments. I don’t think we’re even envious, because we each know the price the other has paid.
It stopped after he almost died and spent 3 weeks in the intensive care unit. I spent most of that summer in the hospital visiting him. My mum claims when I wasn’t sat by his bed he always wanted to know where I was. We were both teenagers at the time.
I do still mock him for wearing a leather coat. (He’s a vegetarian.)
My brother has always felt an intense competition with his sibs, especially me. He won’t drop it so I dropped him.
My sister is a very accomplished liar who also believes she is the most important person in the world, so we don’t talk.
There’s really no rivalry because I don’t much care to engage in the art of bullshit shoveling.
My younger brother has never really gotten over his sibling rivalry issues. It now takes the form of him making sure that I know how much money he makes instead of him trying to beat me in a fight (he never was able to). He keeps finding ways to slip his income into conversation. “I’m not getting that tax rebate check. I make too much money.” “I’d love to have a Roth IRA, but I make too much money.” I am eligible for those things, so he knows that he’s “winning”. But it doesn’t seem to be enough for him. I guess having four older brothers can do that to a guy. I had three older brothers, so that must be the cut-off.
I didn’t carry it into adulthood, in fact I never thought there was much of a rivalry to begin with.
I was, sadly, mistaken on both counts.
Occasionally we are prone to accusing our parents of favouring the other, but we’re best friends and don’t spend much time competing anymore. It really helps that we do completely different things.
I believe we got over it when we were … 12.
Depends on the situation, but years of favoritism (and thus unequal treatment of the others) doesn’t just magically disappear because you’re now adults. It can make for quite a foodfight at your wedding! Just kidding, but my sister caused such a stink leading up to my wedding, I uninvited her if she couldn’t behave. (And, she’s the favored one!)
There never was much of a rivalry. I am forever picking up after my little brother, and he still looks up to me as his big sister, so we don’t really see each other as rivals for anything.
Yes. I underestimated the depth and intensity of my eldest sister’s envy (of what?) and insecurity. The sad thing is that she is far and away our parents’ “favorite”–all of us were compared unfavorably to her throughout the years. 2 of my sisters are now dead, and yet my remaining sister (as mentioned) has not changed a bit. She’s 50, so I doubt she will anytime soon. I dread when our parents die. I did try to maintain a relationship after our sister died (the second one to do so) in 2003, but to no real avail. My brother and I can get along ok, but we’re not exactly best buddies. I’m the only one who is married and has kids, so there is this huge gap re our lifestyles etc.
I never noticed it at home, because all of my sisters are so much older than me that they were moving out before I started kindergarten. Now that we’re all (allegedly) grown-up, I find that most of them hate me for being the baby and the “favorite”, and they all hate each other for real or imagined slights over the past 40 years. Petty doesn’t begin to describe it.
My oldest sister and I get along well enough, but we only talk once a year or so. We just don’t have a lot in common, but there’s no rivalry, with a 14-year age difference.
I wouldn’t characterize my early relationship with my sister as rivalry, but we certainly didn’t get along. After she left for college we got along much better, and a few years after that we became quite close, and have been ever since.
My sis and I get along great, though we’ve never had much in common. My little brother, though…he said to me, word-for-word, after beating me up, “You stole Mom and Dad’s love for me!!”
Considering I’d avoided my parents most of the time, that was an odd thing to hear. Even weirder, I wasn’t that bad as a big brother. No claims to sainthood, but I helped him learn to walk and read and fended off bullies, amongst other things.
Now, he hates me worse than ever. Hates sis too. We have taken everything from him, which is why he’s a dropout homeless loser.
I’m 6 and 8 years older than the other two and was expecting any sort of little sibling eagerly (my parents had said within my hearing that they didn’t want to buy me toys because “she’s an only child”). The closest I came, and still do, to sibling rivalry, is the fact that Lilbro has always been the apple of Mom’s eyes and can get away with pretty much anything. But the one I’d like to slap about it is Mom
The Bros have the same problem. Other than that, not much more arguing or fighting than with any other friend, and you don’t want to let them team up at Pictionary or anything like that: Lilbro can’t draw to save his life, but Middlebro can recognize the drawings on the first line. We joke they’re telepathic for games only.
Oh, and Lilbro has been known to tell Mom “but they are right, you expect a lot more of them than of me. It’s comfy for me, but it isn’t fair. And it’s kind of a bit insulting for me, too.”
Stop writing my post for me.
It took a little longer with my brother, but then I realized that he could envy my life as much as I envied (past tense) his.
I have to admit that I’m a very shallow person, and I still have issues with it. I love my sisters and we get along just fine, but I just can’t help feeling very competitive with them and jealous when they get ahead. I don’t say anything to them about it, though, and I know there are things about my life that they envy as well.