Sick and tired

Losers in their forties who work in video stores and think I actually give a fuck about their opinions.

Sometimes I just feel like telling them “Here’s my four bucks. Just give me my VHS tape of Def-Con 4 and shut up about how much it sucks. You’re not the voice in the wilderness. You’re the voice under the giant Pulp Fiction poster, and right now that voice is being drowned out by your stoned coworker’s Weezer CD.”

That’s about it for things I’m sick and tired of at the moment.

Yeah, really sounds like you don’t care at ALL; like water off a duck’s back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Whenever I see this thread, I want to sing Lissener’s list using Lili Von Shtupp’s song from Blazing Saddles about her being “So Very Tired.”

[Madeline Kahn]I am so vewy tired, so vewy tired of fadish racist Asian girlfwiend wuv, from below and above…[/Madeline Kahn]

Try it, it is fun.

I was considering moving this to the Pit anyway, and since the OP wants that too, off it goes.


Personal insults aren’t allowed in MPSIMS, so this is a formal warning to confine your criticisms to the right place.

I blame John Lennon.

[quote=“lissener, post:1, topic:488635”]

[li]The whole “Asian girlfriend” thing. What’s the next racist fad gonna be?[/li][/QUOTE]

Samoan yodelers, I hope.

I only get 7,180 hits for “corpse felching,” so I guess that’s a fad the OP hasn’t yet tired of.

I know about that Asian thing. It’s like infectious yellow fever or something.

Basically guys and gals like Asians because they apparently have a natural affinity for geekness. These folks (not the Asians, the other ones) somehow believe that because they date an Asian they somehow go up in the geek totem pole. An anecdote:

A few years ago, back in San Diego, I went to ComiCon. When I was in line for some previews I started talking to the guy in front of me and he started mentioning how he loved manga and anime after his girlfriend got him into that. He then says “Not only that she’s also japanese so some extra geek points there, heh.” :rolleyes:

It was also very prevalent in college over there too. I noticed that interracial couple where one was of Asian descent were always of the nerdy/geeky type.

I’ll see you Zach Efron’s 'do, and raise you Pete Wentz emo-hair. It’s a comb-over for dudes who still have all their hair. And my second least favorite hairstyle that’s insanely popular among teenage boys, the Andy Samberg. That one looks like you haven’t gotten your hair cut in about 4 months, were wearing a baseball cap, and just took it off.

I know, this makes me sound like a crotchety old lady, but it’s not the length of the hair that bothers me: it’s the fact that every third boy has the same exact “rebellious” edgy haircut.

That’s what “she” said, right Jeff?

I don’t think thats long enough.

does that help? :slight_smile:

Just pray to gawd that the zaps dingbat font never takes off…cause if it does we will all go blind!

Anybody sick and tired of people who quote Monty Python? I’m not!

(It’s funnier when you hear it.)

What cracks me up is that my two nephews have pretty much the same hairdo that their dad did in about 1978. How can that possibly be considered cool?!

I’m sick of the Swiss!

It was dark. It was a confused time in my life. I realized my mistake but felt it would be discourteous to run out of the room screaming.

In retrospect her arms were remarkably hairy.

Andy Rooney: perhaps when he starts drooling, they’ll pull him. He’s already mumbling incoherently.

Howie Mandell: a total tool.

Donald Trump: do I need to say more?

This: This.

At the end of the day: it’s dark, motherfucker.

Starbucks on every corner: their product sucks goat ass, and they stopped being trendy about 20 years ago.

Sarah Fucking Palin: you all stopped having to look at and listen to her back in November. We still get a daily dose of this vapid moron.

I grew up in the 60s and 70s. I remember the hair. And the clothing. And I am amazed at my taste back then.

On the other hand, I can’t say that I’ve ever developed a taste for the really short hair on guys. Oh, and I pluck my husband’s eyebrow, so that it becomes two eyebrows.

Nzinga, your bluntness is usually appreciated but you’re off the mark here. lissener’s “Asian girlfriend cliche” rant is being mocked because the subset of guys who think it’s cooler to have an Asian girlfriend is so small as to be microscopic. Plus, the guys that think that way are typically the fattest, smelliest, ugliest, lamest anime-masturbating nerds in the world (e.g. the post belonging to Argent Towers referenced in this thread).

There are people who are attracted to Asian girls more than other ethnicities, but who gives a shit? I seem to have a thing for thin girls with glasses and geeky tendencies, does that make that a “cliche” too?

Yeah, um, no. Around here at least, an Asian girlfriend is a trophy a shallow yuppie dude treats himself to once he reaches a certain tax bracket. Kind of like a Lexus.