Before I get started I know there are a lot of critics of rap on the SDMB (enough for a Pit thread at least), so to those that do not get/like rap music, do not post to just say rap is crap or something along that line.
Anyway, in random order…
The Best
Method Man - Arguably the most prolific member of the highly influential Wu-Tang Clan, his gritty, scratchy delivery along with his seamless flow and trademark sense of humor makes him one of my favorite MCs.
Black Though (of the Roots) - The Roots is easily among my favorite hip hop outfits and the talented band would have gone to waste without an MC like Black Thought. His conscious, clever rhymes mesh very well with the Roots’ distinct jazzy sound.
Snoop Dogg - His laid-back, cocky flow gives him the presence that no amount of barking into the mic can achieve (I’m looking at you Ja Rule). Snoop Dogg to many is the epitome of cool and his flow reflects that.
Lyrics Born - Effortlessly going from machine gun pace delivery to funky sing-song rap, a talented MC that deserve more recognition.
Eminem - Lots of hype and he lives up to much of it (IMHO). He does have a tendency to veer into juvenile violence and misogyny but still a great MC with clever rhymes, a sense of humor and a rare ability to tell a story in his rap.
Del the funky homosapien - An underground rap stable, the posterboy of nerdy rap, you gotta love an MC that raps about video games, hygiene and general self-improvement. Featured in many successful hip hop projects including Handsome Boy Modeling School, Deltron 3030, Gorillaz, Hierogyphics his deliberate and articulate flow may get some getting used to, but once you do, you cannot deny his talent.
The Worst (There are waaay too many crappy rappers out there to list them all so I’m only choosing ones that stand out for being overrate or just especially bad.)
Jay Z - OK, not the worst MC out there but extremely over-rated. His flow is generic, pedestrian and really really bland. I will readily admit that he is a great business man and self-promoter that seems to attract talent at every turn, but as a rapper, he falls short.
Tony Yayo - 50 Cent’s buddy from prison, some of his rhymes are laughably bad and seems to rap with a mouth full of marbles or something. A product of rap industry cronyism.
Guru - Stilted, overly deliberate, mediocre flow but what’s really gets to me his holier than thou attitude. The way he raps you’d think he’s the Dali Llama or something. A real shame since some of the beats from his songs are among the best.
Evidence and Rakaa Iriscience (from Dilated Peoples) - A complete waste of a talented DJ, DJ Babu needs to dump these losers and get some real MCs.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few but that’s what I got for now. (I hope there are more hip hop fans than I suspect so this thread doesn’t sink into oblivion…)