OK, gang. Let’s give back in spades what Wally has so richly given to us. Think up a sig for Wally! Judging by your response on the same thread, I guess “Is Wally dead?” is out, ( I’ll save you the trouble,Wally – Putz!) but all I can think of is this:
“I was a child prodogy. Problem is I kept on being a child long after I stopped being a prodigy”
Surely someone else has some ideas. Bueller?
-dollars to donuts, Wally comes up with the best one.
Several years ago, I asked my teenage son why he was wearing sunglasses inside. He said “When you’re as cool as me, the sun shines on you all the time!”
Wally’s so cool he’d need a parasol.
Thanks again for the new sig, Wally.
Don’t bring beer to your job interview.
– Sig courtesy of WallyM7