Sign At Porno Shop: "Fine" Adult Entertainment

Yes, there really is a porno shop down the street that has the sign, “Fine Adult Entertainment” on their door. I drive by the place every night on the way home from work and wonder who thought “fine” was something that would attract patrons?

As opposed to sleezy, cheezy and smutty?

Like people going in there are looking for “fine” porn?

“Gee…I would like to buy this copy of Slutsparade, but ya know, the binding on the magazine is glued, not sewn, and the photography is a bit garish…I wish you had some fine adult entertainment…”

Eh. There’s a store in Richmond, B.C. that has a huge black and yellow sign declaring that they supply “USED ADULT MAGAZINES AND VIDEOS.”

I’m guessing the “fine” material is, you know, free from other people’s sweat and spunk.

Nononono… you have it all wrong.

That’s “Fine” as opposed to “Coarse.”

Like the different sides on your cheese grater.

Well exactly. How much business coulf they expect with a sign that says Icky Adult Entertainment

Hm. **Fine ** is kinda dumb.

I’d consider the description of “Fine” as: Not as sleazy. No ass zits. No Ron Jeremy videos. No money shots on the faces of heroin addicts.

[Das Experiment]
Q: Why do women watch porn movies to the end?
A: They think there’s going to be a wedding in final scene.
[/Das Experiment]

And who says “Adult Entertainment” refers to pornography?

Maybe they’re having a wine-tasting night or an evening of chamber music.

Sheesh, some people sure like to jump to hasty conclusions. Just because a shop has big blinking neon signs saying “Wide Open Dripping Pussy” you think they’re a porn shop or something…

Someone already said it, but I would think differently about an establishment who said

“Girls, girly magazines, peep shows, videos! The sleaziest imaginable!”

as opposed to

“Fine Adult Entertainment.”

As a female, I’d much rather browse the second one than the first. I would hope the environment in the second would consist of less cashiers leering, etc.

And we have both types in our tri-city area.

“The champagne is exquisite, dear…shall we watch the porno?”

“That’s not glue. Perhaps you’d like to look at something other than the “Returned Items” rack.”


I took a picture of a sex shop on which the sign read “After work…some pleasure”.
Apart from that, there are lovely pink hearts depicted on the window, and nothing else. If it weren’t for the “sex shop” sign, you would assume they’re a bookstore selling slushy novels or somesuch.