Sign of shock

Why do women cover their mouths when they express schock or surprise? Is this instinctual and gender related? What purpose does it serve? Do most cultures have this sign of shock or surprise?

In his book Manwatching, the zoologist Desmond Morris suggested a number of reasons why people cover or touch their own mouths.

One of these suggestions may be pertinent to your question.

Morris does not indicate any gender or cultural bias in the use of this gesture.

In moments of surprise or stress, I never press my hand to my mouth. But I do flail wildly to grab my flask of Jack Daniels.

I guess it comes down to being a bottle baby.

What if you’re like 90% of baby boomers, and was never breast-fed as an infant?

You mean, a self-absorbed twit? (Insert smiley of your choice here.)