(Old) Silly Songs In The MMP

I wish you peace during the vigil for your MIL Mooooooom. Hugs.

I got the album finished! I still need to package it up for delivery, but it’s done. Of course, looking forward to the payday did mean that I will likely need a front end alignment for the car. :smh:

Nelson actually initiated a game of fetch this afternoon, so I’d say he’s definitely pretty much better.

Sunday dinner was African peanut stew served over quinoa and a side of slaw. The stew isn’t one that I’ll repeat. To begin with, it originally called for a whole teaspoon of cayenne for four servings. :open_mouth: Now, I like spicy, but that’s a bit much, so I reduced it to 1/4 teaspoon (just about right, heat wise). The biggest objections were the amount of salt (hello…both peanut butter and broth have salt. Even though the recipe called for salting the chicken when sauteeing it, I skipped that and it was still salty) and the lack of vegetation (the reason for the slaw side). Oh, well, ya win some, ya lose some.