Mornin’ all. About 0930. NWS says few clouds and 71/22 on the way to 78/26. Cooling off to 62/17 overnight again.
I’m up, sheveled, fed, and about to start my day. Which is car wash, PO box for packages, bank for some cash, and a tarjay stop in the morning, baseball in the afternoon, and the evening will be a group yaks & apps with a gaggle of condo folks. They do it weekly with a rotating 5-10 showing up out of about 15 possible people. I haven’t attended in about 18 months.
HL did not like the idea of me becoming friends with any of her pre-marriage friends; my access to them was to be only through her. So I’m disinterested in allowing her to usurp my gaggle of friends from the condo, despite the fact she also lived there with me, and knew them through me, for about 12 months. I’m not going to play tit-for-tat, but I never liked her tendency towards “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is actually ours, or mostly mine too.” So some gentle pushback is in order.
As to y’all:
Yeah Shoe, the pizza/exercise one was for you.
Thanks for starting this week’s thread. New printer ribbons are great. If only we/you could convince management that fewer mis-makes from illegible tickets means that replacing faded ribbons is a money saver, not a wasteful luxury.
Back when the airline ran on dot matrix printers located at every gate we had the same problem. Between pilot, FA, and gate agent paperwork, about 50 pages got printed for each flight. Of course to get a ribbon changed you needed to call local IT support and they’d do it next week. Pilots, FAs, and gate agents all rotate from gate to gate at random through their workday. So easier to grumble about a faded ribbon and leave it for the next person to deal with. Heaven forfend IT might change their procedures to just put new ribbons in every printer every other Monday night or something sensible like that.
It’s not like there was anything important on any of that paperwork that we’re supposed to be able to read in the dark with aging eyes.
Wow, you’re cute! First time I’ve seen your face.
BooFae Thanks for “Lych”. Now I learned a new word today too. 
FCM: Rough with MIL falling all the time. Funny how notions of “privacy” work.
My late wife and I never closed the bathroom door on each other. It was agreed you didn’t barge in while the other was on the pot, but there was nothing secret or shameful going on in there. Some of our bathrooms had the toilet in a separate enclosed stall within the larger bathroom and some did not. In the bathrooms with a separate toilet closet it was fine to use the shower, sink, whatever while somebody was using the toilet stall. In any case one could walk past there without needing to peer in.
Conversely HL found it simply inconceivable that any civilized human being did not close the outer door, and other inner doors, the instant they entered, even if only to wash their hands or comb their hair. Which clearly meant I was uncivilized. Sigh. So glad that’s over.
Perhaps MIL could be persuaded that at your house it’s normal to leave the door open and folks know not to peer or barge in uninvited. Yeah, right.
And now I just read your last bit. Yeah … Dammit. If you can prevent a broken bone from falling before she runs out of batteries completely and passes that will be victory enough. Good luck to you all. Mongo {{Hugs}}.
You probably got more total exercise out of it than they will. And you didn’t even need to pay for it. Such a deal!
Good luck on the shift downsizing. Nothing more to say there. I’ve been on the “when do I get furloughed?” death vigil several times. And actually got the axe twice. No fun, but IME nothing good comes of fretting before you know for sure.
Carpe emptor: AKA “Seize the retailing”. Off to errand, perchance to spend.
Cheers all!!