(Old) Silly Songs In The MMP

I don’t have the relevant anatomy, but wouldn’t the spiky-looking bits hurt?

For some unknowable reason, Instagram has recently decided DH really needs cute bat images.

“You only hurt the ones you love” :crazy_face:

SNL’s take on the Dune popcorn bucket:

I’ve been scarce this weekend, but I actually got some household chores done for once! And now for about an hour of reading to catch up…

That looks marvelous! I agree about getting the date and your signature on them, and if there is any practical way to get them, I’d like to buy one or two!

JtC, the quilt looks beautiful. My MIL and her mother (and her mother) quilted, and it was a family tradition for them to make each child a quilt for their wedding. Being a modern woman, my MIL made her sons quilts on their graduations, but Mr. L’s grandmother made us a wedding quilt. They used scraps of fabric from the clothes they’d made the kids when they were little, so the quilts carry a lot of memories. One of my regrets is that my MIL died before my younger daughter graduated, so she doesn’t have one. I thought of making one myself with the scraps my MIL had saved, but I’m all thumbs (and a lot of profanity) when it comes to sewing, and it wouldn’t be the same anyway. It’s good to see that the art is being carried on in the 21st century!

Sticky_Buns, I love your art! It has a certain mixture of whimsy and weird (in the very best sense) that really speaks to me.

I’m the one with bad teeth in our family. Every single one of my molars has a crown or an onlay, and in recent years, they’ve started wearing out and needing replaced. When we were young and poor, it seemed like every time we started to get a little ahead, I needed expensive dental work (or a cat got an expensive illness). I still get a sense of dread when I go to the dentist, and I’ve never been able to shake the feeling of shame for running up our credit card bills when we could afford it least. All that money, and no one had any fun!

After years of having to unclog the vacuum and cut clumps of human hair and pet fur out of its roller brush, I got a carpet rake. I use it before I run the vacuum and sometimes when I see fur. It leaves all the bits of dirt and crumbs, of course, but it gets handfuls of hair and fur up, and as a bonus, it doesn’t scare the crap out of the cats the way the vacuum does. Roxy even likes playing with it!

Dammit! I hope you and Lager both feel better soon.

@Bob_Blaylock and @Seanette , you’ve got some gorgeous kitties! Thanks for sharing the Facebook page!

ETA: fat-thumbed the “Reply” button, so I’ll continue reading! Why do I persist in composing long[quote=“InternetLegend, post:324, topic:998088, full:true”]

That looks marvelous! I agree about getting the date and your signature on them, and if there is any practical way to get them, I’d like to buy one or two!

JtC, the quilt looks beautiful. My MIL and her mother (and her mother) quilted, and it was a family tradition for them to make each child a quilt for their wedding. Being a modern woman, my MIL made her sons quilts on their graduations, but Mr. L’s grandmother made us a wedding quilt. They used scraps of fabric from the clothes they’d made the kids when they were little, so the quilts carry a lot of memories. One of my regrets is that my MIL died before my younger daughter graduated, so she doesn’t have one. I thought of making one myself with the scraps my MIL had saved, but I’m all thumbs (and a lot of profanity) when it comes to sewing, and it wouldn’t be the same anyway. It’s good to see that the art is being carried on in the 21st century!

Sticky_Buns, I love your art! It has a certain mixture of whimsy and weird (in the very best sense) that really speaks to me.

I’m the one with bad teeth in our family. Every single one of my molars has a crown or an onlay, and in recent years, they’ve started wearing out and needing replaced. When we were young and poor, it seemed like every time we started to get a little ahead, I needed expensive dental work (or a cat got an expensive illness). I still get a sense of dread when I go to the dentist, and I’ve never been able to shake the feeling of shame for running up our credit card bills when we could afford it least. All that money, and no one had any fun!

After years of having to unclog the vacuum and cut clumps of human hair and pet fur out of its roller brush, I got a carpet rake. I use it before I run the vacuum and sometimes when I see fur. It leaves all the bits of dirt and crumbs, of course, but it gets handfuls of hair and fur up, and as a bonus, it doesn’t scare the crap out of the cats the way the vacuum does. Roxy even likes playing with it!

Dammit! I hope you and Lager both feel better soon.

replies on my phone?

Started Typing: 11:54 AM ET
Clicked Reply: 12:38 PM ET

Happy Sunday morning (for six more minutes)! Right now it’s mostly sunny and currently 63°F; just one degree shy of the forecasted high. The next time I let Bailey outside, I’ll see if it’s warm enough to open the front door and raise one of the storm door panels. She’d love that, but it would result in a glare on the TV screen that could impact my afternoon sloth…so I won’t be sad if it isn’t warm enough. :slight_smile:

I’m a couple days behind, but I’ve read everything and I hope all of the sick Mumpers feel better very soon! :crossed_fingers:

I’m rarely sick, but on Friday I woke up with some kind of weird sinus thing: a lot of pressure, and every now and then the sensation was borderline nauseating. I wound up cancelling that evening’s personal training session. I got a good night’s sleep, and thankfully it was gone when I woke up yesterday. I don’t have allergies, I wasn’t congested, and there wasn’t really any pain (though at times it felt like I could almost be getting either a sore throat or an earache). I have absolutely no idea what happened, but I’m glad it stopped after 24 hours! I made it to yesterday morning’s personal training session with no problem, which was good – especially since I won’t be able to go on Tuesday, because it’s Super Tuesday* and I’ll be an election officer all day.

(*presidential primary election day, for non-US Mumpers)

So far today I’ve done a bunch of volunteer-related stuff, I started my laundry, and I (finally) did my taxes. I owe $136 to the feds and $30 to Virginia; I’ve scheduled those payments for 04/12. I always owe a hundred or two, but I’d rather have the government’s money all year than the other way 'round. I’ll finish my laundry this afternoon, but that will be the only remaining sloth-interrupting activity of the day.

In other news, yesterday I ordered two new Lego sets: the '61 Corvette, and the grand piano. I’ll almost definitely tackle the Corvette first; the piano will be my largest set (in terms of # of pieces) to date. When they’re done I’ll need to clear off another shelf of the glass bookcase in the living room, but I can’t wait for them to arrive!

Time for lunch, and relocating to the living room…if I don’t post anything else later today, I’ll catch y’all in the new thread. :slight_smile:

Eldest son stopped by yesterday for dinner and chat. He was on his way to see his daughter in her a capella group a ways from here. He sent me a link to their performance and I was stunned at the quality of her voice (she’s a HS sophmore). A very mature alto for such a young person.

Laundry day today, but we lucked out. All the machines were free, so no waiting. Done by 10:30! Wordled and puzzled. In the upper 60s today, so maybe a walk later?

EXACTLY!!! When you’re pushing your credit limit, you should at least have a few good stories to show for it!

I’ve de-leafed the deck and most of the area around it. It’s nice having a mostly wooded yard - I haul the wagon in a ways and dump the leaves. No bagging, no fuss. When daughter gets here with the kids, I’ll start to rake out the flower beds. I’m pacing myself because I know it’ll lead to aches, having been dormant most of the winter. :rofl: It’s gorgeous out there, tho - mid-60s and lots of sun.

MIL has been sleeping most of today. The couple of forays into the bathroom have been scary - I have to be ready to hold her up. She gets to trembling and if we’re not ready, she goes down. The hospice nurse is coming tomorrow - honestly, it feels close to the end. It’s surreal that the first conversation of the morning starts: “Is she breathing?”


Sending good vibes to all you ill Mumpers.

Man, I really need to start using a laptop instead of my phone to do replies! I was trying to edit a mistake in my (overly long) post, and I apparently just…erased it. I said some very nice and moderately witty things about all of you, I swear!

VanGo, if you make those to sell, I’d be interested in one or two!

JtC, the quilt is lovely! My MIL and her mom quilted, and they made lovely quilts for their kids and grandkids for graduations and weddings. I’m just sad that my younger daughter was too young for her grandma to have started her quilt, and I’ve never been skilled or patient enough to learn to sew well, so I haven’t done it.

I hope all the sickies - human and animal - feel better soon!

We’re looking at yet another week of preternaturally nice weather, and I’m undecided about when to cut back and clear up the leaves and dead twigs from last fall. They’re there to help protect the plants from frost and I don’t want to encourage early growth, but if it’s spring already, it has to get done!

Happy Sunday!

Sometimes you can’t appreciate feeling good until you’re not. Then when it lets up, its such a relief!
I wasn’t sick sick but that gunky feeling sucks.
Its approaching 60 today, 70 tomorrow, woot!
Trying to eat healthy today. Coffee and o.j. in the morning. Soon to have a peanut butter sandwich. Going to take a stroll around the block.

FCM {{{}}} Just tough times.

red Glad Nelson is doing better!

Legend I’ll definitely sell you a couple. Or to anyone else who wants one. I’d even put something other than the finger lakes on there, if you prefer. I did some stains on them yesterday, so I’ve got pale, medium and dark. I’ll post pics tomorrow when I get back to the shop.

Thrilling laundry day today. I think it’ll end at 3 loads. Beyond that it’s a day of paying bills and sloth.

Oh, potential good news. The museum that wanted a boat, remember that?, finally got back in touch with a reply from a granting institution that is interested in funding it. Interested, mind you, not definitely going to do it, but hey…

Lager and I are better. My symptoms have lightened, but temp went up to 100.

Lager is keeping down his food, I’m giving him a spoonful per half hour. He is still a bit off but better.

We both had chicken soup, I ate the soup and let him lick the bowl.

This is an absolutely true statement.

Every time I’m ill, it’s like, “I promise to never again whine about being bored! Just lemme be able to breathe through my nose and maybe consume more than water! I promise to find those feats fascinating!”

We’ve had some light snow off-and-on that isn’t sticking. It’s still just a little chilly out, so I’ve just started a fire even though it isn’t quite noon. I used my tomahawk to make some kindling, and used four fatwood sticks that my wife bought. (I’ll save the Fierstart bricks for now.)

The Missus had yoghurt for breakfast. I had four Farmer John’s sausage links, and two over-easy eggs on toast. Dinner will be garlic-pesto salmon and steamed yellow squash.

Me: < opens windows >
Ex-feral cat: < goes and sits in front of baby gate in front of solid glass door >

doggio Spot just doesn’t want the great outdoors to come and take him back. Wise. And that shot of all that Peidment pine straw really brings up memories of my days in NC.

Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated and then had a very nice and large first Sunday brunch. A good crowd for church, so lots of food brought in as well. I did, indeed, get to plop in a pew. YAY! Also we sang one of if not the most bizarre hymns ever. The Spacious Firmament On High is a hymn I like but it is so trippy! Methinks Joseph Addison had gotten hold of some 'shrooms while he wrote the words.

Daughter and the grands are here. We were going to get chicken from the deli, but they close at 4 on Sunday, so FCD is going to get pizza instead. Oh well… I like pizza, but if I’m going to stay within my daily food limit, I can only have one slice. Dammit. So I need to find a veggie or maybe and orange to go with it. <deep sad dramatic sigh of woe and suffering>

On the plus side, paper plates, so no dishes - just cups.

I wish you peace during the vigil for your MIL Mooooooom. Hugs.

I got the album finished! I still need to package it up for delivery, but it’s done. Of course, looking forward to the payday did mean that I will likely need a front end alignment for the car. :smh:

Nelson actually initiated a game of fetch this afternoon, so I’d say he’s definitely pretty much better.

Sunday dinner was African peanut stew served over quinoa and a side of slaw. The stew isn’t one that I’ll repeat. To begin with, it originally called for a whole teaspoon of cayenne for four servings. :open_mouth: Now, I like spicy, but that’s a bit much, so I reduced it to 1/4 teaspoon (just about right, heat wise). The biggest objections were the amount of salt (hello…both peanut butter and broth have salt. Even though the recipe called for salting the chicken when sauteeing it, I skipped that and it was still salty) and the lack of vegetation (the reason for the slaw side). Oh, well, ya win some, ya lose some.

Howdy again y’all! It’s been a pleasant afternoon here, so we day drank bourbon and ginger ales out by the cee-mint pond. It’s 75 Amurrkin out as I post. Also, the biiiiiig trash can has been hauled all the way down to the road for pickup tomorrow. I know y’all worry about that.

red glad Nelson is doin’ better. I understand about recipes that don’t quite turn out to be as good as they seemed they would be. Like you said, ya don’t know if ya don’t try.