Simpsons scene altered?

I seem to remember the Simpsons promos had this scene:
Marge: “No, don’t use the bottle, only animals use bottles.”
Homer: “I don’t even know why we have bottles.”

but in the actual episode, Marge says “No, don’t use the bottle, only hobos use bottles.”

Did I remember it wrong?

Animals? What on earth would that mean?
Anyway, I don’t think so. It seemed the same to me.

Here in NYC Fox 5 aired the modified version of the promos (Marge says “animals.” in the promo and “hobos” in the episode.)

My guess is they thought “hobo” would be too offensive for a promo, but not the episode. It’s possible some affilliates chose to air the altered version of the promo and some didn’t.

Yeah, I definetly heard ‘animals’ in the promos and ‘hobos’ in the episode. I pointed this out to my friends and they agreed.

I noticed the same thing when I was watching. I mentioned it to my brother and he just gave me a “huh”?

Glad to know I wasn’t hearing things. ‘Hobos’ does make more sense than ‘animals’ does. I still found the promo funny though :slight_smile:

Yes. We must be sensitive to the hobos watching on their big screen tvs. No… Wait… They live in Big Screen TV boxes

Yes, here they used “animals” in the promo but “hobos” in the episode itself. Personally, I thought it was funnier with “animals,” because, you see, animals don’t actually use bottles. To say “That’s what animals do” as a sort of “how disgusting” response would not be true in this case, and that’s what I thought the joke was until they broke out the “hobo” line. I was disappointed, somehow.

I noticed that it was different in the closed captioning as well.

Johnny, do you mean that the CC for the promo said “animals”, and the CC for the episode said “hoboes”, or did the captioning contradict the dialogue in the episode? The promo used by Global in Canada didn’t use the line at all. Hobo in the episode. For what it’s worth, I don’t think hobos use bottles either. (At least not under any of the bridges I’ve visited.)