A decent package to develop Jave applications on.
Until recently i have been using KawaPro 5.0. A lovely package that i would love to register for adn get teh full package, if it werent £100 or was it £50? Either way, i cant afford it.
I’m new to java, but i need to use it a lot at Uni( and it is fun) i liked Kawa, but Being a student i cant really afford anything expensive.
Any ideas?
I’ve heard of a couple of alternatives, but i wont mention them so taht i can get a more unbiased response.
What is THE best package for a university student learning to use Java?
( Is thisthe right forum? )
I might want to use it to develop Java applications every now and then too. Jave’s a bit restrictive i find…
>> Any ideas?
The only one I can think of is that if you give your thread a title which would give some clue as to what it is about, then you might get people reading it who might be able to help. With this tittle you will get mostly horny women and… What the hell am I doing here?? I’m outta here!
"mostly horny women " wont know a good java development package? i think they could well be the people i’m looking for.
Who else would know about such things?
Has this always happened?