Single women and The DaVinci Code: what gives?

As I’m searching through, looking for women to write to who will probably never respond back, I found a common thread:


last read:

I just finished The DaVinci Code. An incredible book!

The last book I read was the DaVinci Code and I loved it. Great book. Very suspenseful and very interesting, really makes you think!

My favortie books within the past few months were both by Dan Brown - The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons.

The last thing I read was the DaVinci Code - talk about challenging history…good thing it was fiction.

The last book(s) I read was Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown… Leap of Faith by Queen Noor of Jordan.

The DaVinci Code. What a great read…entertaining and thought provoking!

Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons, the predecessor to The DaVinci Code. Fantastic read – lots of twists and turns. Brown weaved in lots of folklore about the famed “Illuminati,” ancient intelligencia and the Catholic Church. I give it two thumbs up.

I love the John Adams book and just finished reading the DaVinci Code.

Currently reading Al Franken’s new book and “The DaVinci Code.”

Now I’m reading ‘The DaVinci Code’.

the last book i read was “the DaVinci Code” pretty intense

Lets see, Just finished the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons

The last book I read was The Davinci Code & Angels and Demons by Dan Brown; highly recommend it!

Recently read The DaVinci Code.

Will start DaVinci Code soon.

Soon I will be starting Angels & Demons before moving on to The DaVinci Code.

I am currently in the middle of reading 'The Davinci Code'. All of my friends have read it so far so we can't talk about it until i'm done!

The last book I read was the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. Though fiction, it kind of made you think, plus it was a quick beach read!

Right now, I’m reading the DaVinci Code.

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown – I love the debate that his ideas stimulate between people.

Currently reading the Davinci Code…

The “Davinci Code”… still reading it - it’s Great!

I am reading The DaVinci Code.

About HALF of the women in my area claim to have read The DaVinci Code. What gives? Why is this book so appeaking to single women on dating sites?

It’s the same out here, though it finally seems to be fading away. It’s just the latest hot book, that’s all. I’m much more interested in the ones who say they read stuff that is not the current trend. Not that it helps.

On top of that, you have a thread through The DaVinci Code that explores an idea long excluded by mainstream Christianity: that women are just as important as men in the divine equation.

The conspiracy theory mentioned in the book is that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene. After he died during the Crucifixion, Mary Magdalene, pregnant with their child, fled to France and bore a daughter. That bloodline, Mary Magdalene herself, and the idea of the sacred marriage, are all symbolized by the Holy Grail.

For any woman who’s grown up in a religion where a woman is responsible for Original Sin, part of the Savior’s divinity was the fact that He never had sex with a woman, fell in love with a woman, or married a woman, and a woman’s place in the church is at best somewhat controversial . . . well, the ideas in The DaVinci Code are very empowering. I’m not saying they’re believable, well researched, or even remotely accurate, only that they resonate with many women.

Woman on dating site: “Well, I don’t want a man who only watches football on television. I’d like someone who reads. Yeah! So, I’ll mention that I read. I’ll just put down the last book I read… hmm… I wonder what that was. Oh, The Sensual Pilgrimage, the one with Thor Hawkesflyte and Rowena Ravenhurst, when he abducted her as she was on a journey to the nunnery to escape from Baron von Darke! Um, maybe I don’t want to put that one down. Oh, I know. The DaVinci Code! Everyone’s heard of that one, and it doesn’t have anyone named Thor in it.”
It seems likely that people are picking it because it’s famous, popular, and they actually have read it. I’d say it probably isn’t indicative of the actual reading habits of more than half of American women.

Ohio, eh? Indiana checkin’ in. Never read the DC. How YOU doin’? :wink:

Little known on this board: I am, in fact, a reasonably attractive single female.

As a female who has read a fair number of ads by males – same deal. It’s just the latest hot bestseller.

Yep, the latest hot thing. A frightening number of people don’t read much, and when they do, they only read the latest hot thing. Therefore there are probably plenty of people who really did read The DaVinci Code last, because it was the last thing to seem like The Hot Book To Read. Besides, you have to put down something people have heard of…

And also that bit about the Thor books. :stuck_out_tongue:

So my mention of reading Neal Stephensons’ *The Baroque Cycle * is just going to get a HUH? from the ladies? Damn, better go say I’m reading DC :slight_smile:

At the risk of betraying that I’ve fallen for a whoosh –

Not necessarily. I didn’t say I answer the ads of men who cite that book as last read – just that I see it a lot. I’d almost rather have someone who says “too busy to read books.”

BTW, here’s an actual answer I’ve got posted for “Last great book I read”:

Keep in mind that my ads are designed to self-select men who will answer them – I attempt to present myself as smart, verbal, somewhat intellectual, so as not to mislead anyone who would be freaked out by a rather scarily intelligent woman. Alas, some men are…

Not this lady. Although I must admit I’m only halfway through Quicksilver, even though I bought it the day it was released. I need to get back to it!

Damn, that should be “Rice and Salt,” not “Salt and Rice.” :smack:

Smart, occasionally a little careless. :smiley:

Well, you’d get a flirty wink from me, for whatever that’s worth.


Well, DaVinci Code seems like it’d be a lot more interesting to most women than my current reading “Introduction to Assembly Language for 8086 and Pentium Processors” and “The Art of Prolog”.

Well, that reading list at least gets you a “How you doin’?” from me. I’m not single, nor am I American, but that’s a good list nonetheless.

I don’t want to get into castigating anyone for reading a book that everyone else has read for having a herd mentality. I just finished re-reading my 30-year old copy of 1984 from high school to see if it was still as good (it’s doubleplus better good!). Hell, everybody’s read 1984.

But bestsellers seem to have single women as their target group. This was demonstrated to me in 1979 with The World According to Garp. All the women at college carried a copy, and were compelled to check with eachother as to at which passage they’d started crying.

This theory was confirmed the following year with the arrival of Sophie’s Choice. William Styron, calculating pusher of cultural hot-buttons with the Confessions of Nat Turner, cast his main characters with the male archetypes of the 20-year old woman’s universe: the domineering, dismissive father, the boyfriend from Hell, and poor, well-intentioned but useless Stingo with his adorable need to jack off all the time.

Don’t get me started on Bridges of Madison County. But my point is that it’s not just the Barbara Cartland, bodice -ripper stuff in the romance section. These are always among the “big idea” books of their season. Women are the prime demographic for literature every bit as much as teenagers are the prime demographic for movies.

Secret of the DaVinci Code- Famous woman was given bad rep by oppressive male system to cover up her being the Squeeze of the Perfect Man.
What’s for single women NOT to like in that set up? L

They have a heroine, a villianous system to blame everything on, & that Dashing Galilean chap!

And your picture is… where, exactly?

I guess it proves single women are satisfied by an intriguing beginning, a soggy middle and a weak ending, including a complete absence of climax.

Honey, is that you?

::: walks off wondering how her ex got on the Dope :::


::elbows her way in between MikeG and XJETGIRLX::
Oooh! You’ve read the whole Baroque Cycle? Wow!
::bats eyes::