I recently started a small experiment with my Sirius radio (I did it last year, too, but this is the first time I’m blogging about it).
Basically, at the start of each day (barring weekends), I dial up my satellite radio to the next channel, and proceed to listen to that the entire time I’m in the car. The motivation behind this (as I’m sure many of you satellite radio listeners have discovered) is that I basically listen to the same 3 or 4 channels in a landscape where there are over 100 available. Sure, I have to sit through crap like “Sirius Love,” but I do find some gems that I never thought I’d enjoy, like “Elvis Radio.”
Anyway, each day, I also blog about the experience, invite discussion, whatever. Please check it out at my Siriusly Disturbed blog.
If there are any music fans out there…or fans of just random forays into pop culture…I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts. Especially if there’s anything you’d like to see added or recommendations on how to improve the experiment or my blogging.
Look forward to any input, advice, kudos or criticism that you have!
Nitpick: it’s commonly sea shanties, or alternatively, sea chanteys. (Sea chanties might be what you’d hear if you boarded a sailing vessel helmed by Hare Krishnas, arrr, hare, hare krishna!)
Intriguingly, that article delineates seven major subdivisions of the genre… enough for an entire week’s blogging for ye, matey!
Best of luck. I got Sirius expecting to expose myself to all the things you’re exposing yourself to but have yet been unable to take it off Underground Garage. I mean, if it were $13 a month for UG and nothing else, I’d pay it.