Sitcom Madness 08: Championship Matchup: VOTE FOR YOUR FAV: Electric Boogaloo: Finis

Here we go, this is it, the long-awaited championship matchup. These are the two top-dogs in the 2008 SDMB Sitcom Madness tournament.

It’s the best of the best, hammering and clawing their way to reach that One Shining Moment.

Cast your vote for the show you would rather watch if these were the only two shows on television. The final buzzer will sound on Friday, May 9 at 7:30p EDT.

Without further ado:

III. Seinfeld VS. II. MAS*H


Seinfeld. In a landslide.

I haven’t had any sort of voting dilemmas throughout this tournament, until this round. I honestly don’t know which show I’m going to vote for. Two of my favs.

Hmm. Tough one. But, I’m going to have to go with:


III. Seinfeld

III. Seinfeld

III. Seinfeld VS. II. MAS*H



Seinfeld, but that’s probably because I overwatched MASH as a kid. I’m just sick of it by now.


Eh. Gotta go with MAS*H

MAS*H. Not even a contest in my opinion.

MAS*H – because I kept watching it till the end, though I gave up on Seinfeld about three seasons early.


It still holds up over time

Toughie, but I think I gotta go sentimental on this one…



MAS*H. Never cared for Seinfeld.


I would even put Seinfeld in the top 100. Really awful show.

Yeah, if all the characters on Seinfeld had fallen into a volcano I’d be satisfied.