Situational jokes you've always wanted to use

I’m still waiting for this situation to arise.

I’m in an interview. They’re asking all the standard interview questions. The interviewer/boss seems like a pretty geeky guy and I have a good feeling about him.

They ask: “What would you say are your weaknesses?” I decide to go for it.

I answer in perfectly deadpan, straight-faced manner: “Well to tell you the truth, I have weakness to fire and lightning based attacks, though I’m strong vs. melee and ranged attacks.”

Of course this has the potential to be a legendary disaster if he/she doesn’t know what I’m talking about. It could also be a huge success. I think given the right gut feeling if the situation came up, I’d probably go for it.
Do you have any jokes you’ve been thinking of, but never quite had the situation present itself, but if it did, you just might go for it?

EDIT: DOH! Still browsing General Questions. This was meant for Cafe Society.

I asked the mods to move it for you.

That kind of reply wouldn’t go over well with me in an interview. Not at all. Then again, I wouldn’t ask a lame question like “What are your weaknesses?” in an interview in the first place.

Moved, per the OP’s request.

Well it’s a good thing I’m not looking for a job here in Santa Barbara, and I’m not in whatever industry you’re in. Cause if I found out my interviewer were a Doper, I’d definitely go for it. About a 1 in 3 chance of success, I reckon!

Here’s a situational joke you can use anywhere. You run down a busy street, hair and clothes askew, eyes wild. You go up to a random stranger and yell, “The date! What’s the date? Please, I need to know the date!”

And when they say something like “January 23,” you scream, “No! The year! The year!” Then, no matter what they say, look horrified and run off at top speed.

Not bad. I might try that at my next interview.

One I’ve been wanting to use for years here on the Dope is “Evidently, Iraq.” Can you believe the opportunity has not come up even once?

Well, any answer less than 2007 will **definitely **get me running away, horrified! :eek: :smiley:

I think you would lose a lot of hit points.

As a brand new fan of The Office, I’m waiting for the opportunity to use “That’s what she said.”

From the comedian (not the poster) known as Steven Wright (paraphrased from memory):

One time at a job interview, I took out a newspaper and started reading.

The guy said, “What the hell are you doing?” and I said, "Let me ask you one question.

If you’re riding in a vehicle that’s traveling at the speed of light, and then you turn your lights on…would they do anything?"

He said, “I don’t know,” and I said, "Forget it, then. I don’t want to work for you.

Only if the interviewer had a fire- or lightning-based spell prepared, though :stuck_out_tongue:

I was attending a concert by The Ventures back in 1985. The bass player was speaking into the microphone when, without warning, the vertical portion of the tubular mic stand collapsed, telescoping straight down. A roadie ran up to the stage and quickly fixed the problem. The bass player asked, “Is this thing going to stay up now?” and the roadie yelled, “That’s what she said!”

When I worked in a kitchen in high school, one time the walk-in freezer opened, and a female supervisor emerged, with a male cook walking behind her. They were looking at the stock, or whatever.

The male cook caught my eye and pantomimed zipping his fly up.

It’s not that I haven’t entered a room trailing a woman since that day, but it needs to be the right guy, the right woman (in case you get caught), and the right place that an innocent bystander won’t bust your ass.

The fact that is was a walk-in freezer made it a good bit funnier.

Someone had that as a sig line a few years ago with a link to a map of Iraq.

“…all types of people - black people, white people… … … that’s about it, actually.”
“Fine. Just don’t go praying to Jesus when…” (as if I’m saying “don’t come crying to me”)

I’m not sure that I like those odds, Dude, but hopefully it will work out for you. Are you leaving town?

“Do you want to give five dollars to support breast cancer?”

“HELL NO, I hate breast cancer!”

old, I know, but I’d still wanna use it.

And I’ve been doing “That’s what she said” before Michael!!!

I was a bus boy at a country club and I had to move a table from one room to another.

“Boss, this table won’t fit through the door.”

“Make it fit!”

“That’s what she said!”

I’m pretty sure there are “that’s what she said” jokes in ancient Greek comedies. I can never get tired of it though. (That’s what she…)
