The Skeptical Science website (which, incidentally, some of the more hysteric climate change believers seem to love so much) was founded by a guy named John Cook. John Cook got to be somewhat famous for his 97% paper that caused a ton of controversy, and rightfully so.
Now for the latest bit of intellectual dishonesty from the Skeptical Science founder. It seems that Cook started posting on the Skeptical Science Forums as user Lubos_Motl. In the real world Lubos Motl is a physicist who strongly rejects the science behind CAGW. Motl went to Rutgers and was an assistant professor at Harvard before moving back to the Czech Republic. Motl does string theory and is quite outspoken.
So Cook posted on Skeptical Science as Lubos_Motl, which is questionable as all hell. However, that isn’t all. It appears that Cook posted as Motl and then used the fake posts from Motl in ‘research’ papers that Cook himself and apparently Stephan Lewandowsky* published.
Motl has some quotes from Cook and a couple others on the Skeptical Science forum. Link
Note, the ‘UWA experiment’. Cook posted as Motl to use in an ‘experiment’. Besides the clearly unethical behavior of posing as someone he is not, faking data for a study appears to be straight up fraud. Additionally, it appears that the folks who run the site knew about the fake posts, and besides on rather weak admonishment that Cook wasn’t entitled to use Motls name, nothing apparently was done. Not surprising since Cook is the guy who founded the site.
Now, who cares, you ask. Well, the 97% paper has been cited by President Obama among others.
What is truly funny is that Cook also got a lot of notice for a paper claiming that those who disagree with climate alarm ism also believe that climate scientists are faking information in a conspiracy. Recursive Fury. Yet at the same time Cook himself was faking information for his own study in an apparent conspiracy as the other Skeptical Science members knew of the fakes. The Recursive Fury paper was torn to shreds and retracted. However this makes it appear even more worthless.
Simply amazing.
*Still in the process of tracking all this down, however it appears that the study referred to is Recursive Fury. It may be another. I will update as if I find out which paper this was used for.
** An additional note. Cook wrote Recursive Fury about conspiracy ideation while **** TA DA **** **conspiring **with other folks on Skeptical Science to label those that disagree with CAGW as deniers. Gotta love that.