Skiers: been to Telluride recently?

Not that I can justify the airfare and lift tix but I’m going to Telluride for a week, in a week (3/15-22). Since I’m going with a friend from college, his brother and (quite wealthy) father, the accomadations were ‘taken care of’. And how. The 4 of us will just have to get by in that tiny, cramped space. I think they were talking about a private chef coming to the house to make dinner a couple of nights too. Needless to say, if I’m able to keep my femurs and skull intact on the slopes, this should be a pretty nice time.

But I’ve never been to Telluride and since it’s kind of remote, neither have a lot of other people so this entire thread is a shot in the dark.
I’m looking for recommendations on local shops where I can rent equipment. FWIW, I own boots so it’s just skis and poles.

Also seeking any après-ski (twirls tiny pencil moustache) joints. I know the town is really small so there’s probably not a lot anyway.

Finally, can anyone who has skiied Telluride give me a run strategy? I’m comfortable on all blacks and able to at least get down in one piece on most doubles. I’m told my companions are not particularly expirienced so I’ll be out on my own for at least a couple days. I’m definitely NOT going into backcountry alone so it’ll probably be lifts most of the time.

I’ve lurked for a long time, so the least I can do is give out a little info. We are, as you probably know, having a huge year. The new snow has slacked off lately (although it’s snowing now). Skiing-wise, there’s a lot going on. We have the old, tried-and-true expert areas of lifts 9 and 6. If you like bumps, these are good areas. They also have a lot of tree stashes, as well as some steep (Bushwacker, 45 degrees) groomed runs. Lately, though, all I’ve been skiing is the hike-to terrain. Black Iron Bowl is a short (5-25 minute) hike and offers some great shots, especially after a storm. If you are in good shape and ok with a little exposure, hiking Palmyra Peak is awesome. The hike is burlier than the ski–however, you should have backcountry gear for this one–at least a pack. I’d be happy to go out the backcountry gate with you, weather and avy conditions permitting, but for that you need full kit–beacon, probe, shovel, maybe skins, etc. Very fun, though.

Renting skis–either Telluride Sports or Paragon. T Sports has more locations. If you want to hike, get fat skis. I’ve been skiing my Volkl Gotamas all season. If you can rent whatever Salomon replaced the Pocket Rocket with, that would be ideal.

Nightlife–well, we live 12 miles outside of town at 10,000’. We don’t party much. The Cosmopolitan is the best fancy restaurant, hands down. We have plenty of bars. Les Zeppelin is playing the day you get in, and they are supposed to be awesome. We’ll be there. 9545’ in the Village does a great lunch.

We live in a fun and beautiful area–enjoy!

Great…Thanks so much for the shop rec.
And Les Zepplin? Sounds great already. Where is that? We get in at 1pm on Saturday, too late to ski so we’ll be looking for something to do that night. Perhaps we could try for a meet? I’ll try to persuade you to subscribe in person.

Hiking…hm. I’m in pretty good shape here but at 10,000 ft+, as you know, it’s an entirely different story. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to do on the runs serviced by lifts for most of the time.

“beacon, probe, shovel, maybe skins, etc”
I think I know what a beacon and shovel are but probe and skins sound like props from a horror film.

Yeah–shovel and probe are for when (if) it all goes wrong and you’re looking for your buried buddy. You have to remember (remind yourself) that you are taking your life in your hands when you are in the backcountry.

For Lez Zeppelin, try

The top of Palmyra peak (inbounds and controlled, but hike-to only) is 13,200’. Bring your own oxygen.

My wife is a Doper, but I can’t seem to put my thoughts together in a witty enough way to qualify…

If you don’t know about avy preparation, you shouldn’t be going into the backcountry. It’s really not a game.

Which is probably why s/he posted this in the OP:

Yes, no backcountry for me. It is dangerous and probably worth mentioning twice.

I see that the band mentioned is actually called Lez Zeppelin, dubbed “The most powerful female band in rock history.” by SPIN Magazine. I think it sounds great but the $23/28 tickets and that it’s a ‘chick band’ might be a tough sell to my travel companions.

I’ll take any further bar recs, too. Esp any that have a more diverse beer selection (although most bars there have really good beer, anyway). If you feel like meeting up, Tride, email me at my user name here The first round’s on me.

You said “alone” which meant to me that you would consider going with others. If that’s not the case then nevermind, but that’s what I was responding to.

Going with others doesn’t make your chances any better, and probably just puts more lives at risk if you don’t know avy awareness and how to read snow, probe, and do a rescue. It’s been a bad year, too many deaths by people who should have been in bounds. Sorry if I jumped the gun.

It seemed to me that he used “alone” to point out the fact that it would be his only option for going into the backcountry, since his companions weren’t particualrly talented skiers.

Just my two cents.

I’m not sure I’d call them a chick band…

Almost all of the real bars in town have good beer selections on tap. We have many varieties of bars–historic but crammed with realtors (New Sheridan), local dive (O’Bannon’s, still smells like cigarettes), everyones (Last Dollar), etc etc. Las Montanas is supposed to have the best Marg, but it’s like $11. Nothing wrong with having a drink at Allred’s at the top of the gondola, although I wouldn’t recommend eating there (it’s fine, just not worth it).

The backcountry is relatively stable right now, although pretty wind-buffed. However, I agree with the previous posters that it’s a serious endeavor. Palmyra peak is well worth climbing, though, so if you are interested bring a pack and a camera.

You’re here for 7 days–consider taking a day trip to Mesa Verde or Canyonlands or Arches. The contrast between the mountains and the red rock desert is amazing. In the last week I’ve skied the area, skied the backcountry. played a round of golf, rode my dirtbike, and cross-country skied. Can’t beat it.