I have used my TheSky program and I still can’t find it. I see the Moon and I see Jupiter right near it. I also see Mars in the West. The program says that Saturn should be somewhere in between the Moon and Mars. I don’t see a single bright spot in this area outside. And the ones that are somewhat bright, I look at through the telescope and I see no rings. I know I can see the rings of Saturn on my scope because I can see the moons of Jupiter and other, samller things. So where is Saturn in the sky?!?
Saturn isn’t going to be very bright right now, I don’t think. If you can find Orion, draw a line from Rigel through Betelgeuse, and keep going and you’ll find Saturn along that line. It’s near the feet of Gemini.
You can see Jupiter’s moons? What kind of scope do you have and what did it cost? My b-day is the 10th and my wife still doesn’t know what to get me. That would be awesome!
You can see 4 of Jupiter’s moons with a good pair of 7x50 binoculars.
You probably don’t want to jump into a telescope purchase too quickly. It takes a bit of research to find the right one. I know there was a thread on this not too long ago, you might want to do a search.
Thanks drewbert, I’ll try that tomorrow.
duffer, when I say I can see Jupiter’s moons, I just meant Jupiter was a bigger dot and it’s moons could be seen as smaller dots. I found it to be cool, but maybe you want something more?? Anyway, I have an Orion Observer 70mm Equatorial Refractor that cost $130 I think…
I can see the moons of Jupiter in binoculars, as long as they are held steady; if Jupiter were not there the moons would be at the limit of naked eye visibility.
as far as Saturn goes it is relatively bright, in my opinion; brighter than Mars at the moment, anyway.
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