The sons of bitches ripped off Robert E. Howard’sprotagonist, Solomon Kane, and made him a Bad Guy!
Oh, cease your horrible stench, writers!
I think I’m officially through with this show. Last night, for the second time, I fell asleep trying to watch it. And I’m a few shows behind, which is unusual.
At some point (this was the TJ hologram episode) Abby says she’s tired of running down dark tunnels. And while I appreciated the admission from the writers, throwing a lantern on this one didn’t change my yawning response.
The formula seems to be:
- relationship discussion
- supernatural symptoms revealed by someone who’s afraid they won’t be believed.
- impossibly esoteric knowledge dredged up by a main character
- scurrying through dark places where we can’t really see what’s happening*
- unsatisfactory flashes of something creepy
- a quick argument resolved just in time
- working together again to defeat evil
- Abby says something tough/sweet
- Fin
I’m just bored with it. So sad, I really wanted to like this series.
*I mean seriously, has there ever been a TV program with camera work as poor as this one?