Slug Signorino lives in my town...

Apparently, he lives in my very small town of 22,000 people. I am quite surprised.

Hello neighbor!

Actually, I would have thougt you’d be mortified!.

I was a little freaked out when I was reading something to my six year old son, and discovered why I thought the artwork had a familiar style to it… Sure enough, there are a ton of ‘first reader’ books out there that Slug S. has drawn.

22,000 is very small now?

There goes the neighborhood!

well, in the sense of “I can’t believe so and so lives in the same town as myself.” People in New York and L.A. wouldn’t be surprised if some well known artist lived down the street. I am.

If I ever got a tattoo, and it was someplace I could see it easily, I’d want him to do it ,


And yes, 22,000 is a small town. Smaller than any town I’ve ever lived in.

Have you looked at the water tower lately?

Ed Zotti is Slug Signorino. I wish you would all stop deluding yourselves.


(And why isn’t your six-year-old reading these books to you?)

Ed is most definitely not Slug.

:rolleyes: I knew you were going to say that.

It’s actually true, though, and some google searching will probably tell you the same.

I don’t need google. I have my own cite.