Small questions you have but don't want to clutter up GQ with.

Yes, but what will it be?

Dog/human, dog/lamb, or dog/goat?

You can get fines for keeping out books too long. When my mother died I got her bill for like $200 for 10 books or so. What’s funny is that the max fine is $5 per book, you just can’t check out any books any more. But they send a bill to creditors for the amount of the books. I found all but 2-3 of the books so I’ll have to pay for those.

I just finished reading The DaVinci Code. There was a scene in it where a guy avoids a hassle at a security checkpoint by showing ID which apparently indicates that he’s been knighted by the queen. Is this at all realistic, meaning does, say, Elton John’s drivers’ license say “Sir Elton John”?

Skin color - brown/black skin protects against sunburn more, so is more useful in hot and sunny climates. You may think sunburn is an awfully lame excuse for evolutionary pressures, but remember that it is both painful and dangerous without proper hydration and/or medical attention, and it predisposes you to skin cancer. Since early humans evolved in hot and sunny climates, we almost certainly all started out with dark skin. The mutation(s) that cause light skin were advantageous once people started moving into colder zones, because they got less sunlight there. Sunlight is required for humans to make vitamin D, and the loss of skin pigmentation allows more sunlight to get through.

Library fines - many libraries have a limit on how many books a new customer can sign out. Virtually all of them ask for I.D. before giving you a card, and keep a list of people who have burned them previously (also, some libraries share this data). So you wouldn’t be able to get very many books at any given library, and you could only do it once at each. Not very cost effective.


I know Pennsylvania law considers theft of library books to actually be theft, because our local library growing up had that particular section of code posted prominently in quite a few places. You CAN go to jail for it, or, at best, get criminal fines added to your regular library fines.

“And they all moved away from me on the Group W Bench.”

What’s the difference between baking powder and baking soda?

Why do hard-boiled eggs always have that little air gap on the rounded end of the egg?

Why does sugar taste so good?

Can you make a cup of coffee from pinto beans?

Baking powder is baking soda with a acid added (usually cream of tarter) to make it work. You can make your own baking powder by mixing cream of tarter, baking soda, and cornstarch (to prevent clumbing) in a 2:1:1 ratio.

The little air gap is there on the uncooked egg, too, but you don’t see it for obvious reasons. It would have been needed by the chick embryo if the egg had been fertilized.

Simple answer: Because you have specialized taste buds for sweetness. Long answer: In our early evolutionary times, there were very very few sources of sweetness, primarily honey (hard to get) and ripe fruit (also not always available). Ripe fruit is, of course, good for you. Honey, in the quantities it would be possible for a hunter-gatherer to acquire, is also a nice source of energy. A creature that liked sweetness would be going to some trouble to get these things and would be more likely to live long enough to reproduce successfully. And it would be virtually impossible for a hunter-gatherer to get too much sweetness. So the body basically says “Hey, good stuff. Eat as much as you want.”

I don’t know what kind of beverage, if any, you could make from pinto beans, but it wouldn’t be coffee.

I was thinking about the phrase “Christian Values.” I think we all know more or less what the implications are. But I got to wondering…out in the bible belt, where there are surely more businesses devoted to selling Christian whatevers than there are here, do any of those stores claim to have Christian Values as part of a sales ploy? :dubious:

This may not be exactly what you meant, but I have seen business cards and ad flyers with a little cross or fish on them. Ads for babysitters and day care sometimes have the phrase “Christian home.”

Quite a few.

Haven’t you ever seen the movie Outbreak?

How do blind people know when to stop wiping?

I ment like, in a war.

Apaches, and possibly other US helicopters, can be armed with a modified version of the stinger missile, so they’re equipped for it.

Whether it actually happened, I don’t know. Most likely scenario would’ve been in the first gulf war, I’d imagine.

I should add that even without stingers, apaches are quite capable of taking on other helicopters with their 30mm gun, but that’s not the main purpose. I’d imagine helicopter to helicopter combat has occured at some point as to make someone think it’s a good idea to equip apaches with stingers.

Why is the American flag called “Old Glory”?

Snap is a baker or chef. Pop is a soldier…but what’s Crackle supposed to be? A SKIER?!(alluding to the Rice Crispies mascots)

This one, at least, has been asked in GQ and answered.

Another factor could be that the drinks you tend to get a straw with have more alcohol in them than for example a beer (which I assume people usually not drink with a straw).