First of all, not relevant to my question, but I happened to see my T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S4 that I bought brand spanking new in February of 2011 for $184 is currently on sale at Wallmart for 97 cents! Sigh.
At any rate, my new problem/question:
Lately my phone is sort of doing a little “jitter” dance while in my hand. I can be talking to someone and it does its little dance, or I can be reading a news story and it does its shaky vibrate. This doesn’t always happen, but at least once a day or every other day.
Yes, I always have my phone on vibrate instead of “ring”, so that is not the problem. Plus, this is a different vibration - I can only describe it as a couple of quick fast vibrations/jiggles as if holding an electric toothbrush for a second.
Is this some kind of reaction to automatic updates or something? Why is my smart phone shuddering (other than it knowing it is now on sale for 97 cents)?