There was a recent contest, won by an Ann Arbor man, to determine the smartest person in the world. Apparently he answered 22 out of 25 questions on a test that the average person would have difficulty getting even one right. Anyone seen this test or have an online link to it?
I belive Cecil Adams is the Smartest Human Being on the Planet.
Depends entirely on how you define “smartest.” It is like asking “Who is the most beautiful person on the planet” or “Who is the nicest person?”… everyone has their own views on these things, and most of the time they will disagree.
For instance, are you saying “smartest” in ability to solve logic problems? Math equations? Economics? Sociology? Astrophysics? Literature? Linguistics? Religion? COmputer programming? If someone is an utter genius in all of this and is horribly unhappy, is he really any smarter than Bob down the street who is watching a football game and having a beer with some friends while tending the barbie and having a grand old time?
(I understand the OP was asking a specific quesiton about a specific test, but I just hate terms like that
Might Unca Cecil!
the story is covered here
The haselbauer-dickheiser test for exceptional intelligence is posted, but the competition closed on December 31, 2002.
I feel the same way!
Words like “smartness”, “intelligence”, and the dubious concept of “IQ”, for the most part, are just subtle (or not so subtle) ways to discrimintate people based on different cultural parameters.
I thought Stephen Hawking is. At least he has the highest standardised IQ or something. Principal Skinner said so in the Simpsons so it must be true.
The sheer arrogance of this is laughable.
I got a score of 120. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell you where you got correct answers.
I might have gotten 1 or 2 more if I’d sat down and actually figured out some of the problems - I kind of whipped through it, and I was on the right track for the box-stacking question but I just got sick of it. But there’s no friggin’ way in hell I could ever get about 15 of those problems. Pattern problems give me a headache.
The ones I DID get, for sure, are questions 4, 24, 16 and 17, and I’m fairly confident about my answers for 13 and 19.
“…“IQ”, for the most part, are just subtle (or not so subtle) ways to discrimintate people.”
Ya think you could be conspiracy theorist? Are you saying that IQ tests don’t measure intelligence or are you saying something different? I hope you’re not saying there is no such thing as “intelligence.” While IQ scores aren’t going to tell you who is the most charming, or who makes the best raisin cookies they are pretty good predictors of academic success and later success ‘in life.’
I am smart! S-M-R-T! Smart!
Note that this essentially proves I am not a genius. But I suspect most people knew that already.
Incidentally, aren’t real IQ tests timed? In theory I could have worked on this for a year.
Please … you have to read the story that johncole linked.
I think this falls into he “nuff said” category.
I looked at the test per the link. It’s nothing but a series of tricky and difficult math and sequence analysis questions.
I don’t think it would be very smart to tell anyone you just won the Dickheiser competition.
Question number 9 is the German AFDXVG cipher of World War I, cracked by Georges Painvin. He was a genius cryptoanalyst and it still took him several months of difficult distribution analysis, and he lost twenty pounds and nearly suffered a mental breakdown as a result. He considered breaking it the crowning achievment of his career.
I’ve only halfheartedly looked over the questions, but I suspect that most of the answers can be discovered through researching. If the test is actually asking you to recreate Painvin’s analysis and codebreaking from square one it would be ridiculous.
They don’t measure intelligence.
Are idiot savants smart or dumb?
Incidentally, “smrt” means “death” in Czech.
What is intelligence? How do you measure it?
Al IQ tests are culturally biased. And what do they measure? Your ability to figure out the next number in a sequence? Identify a pattern of colours and shapes?
You can get better at it with practice ! Plain and simple!
Therefore, IQ tests only measure how good you are at … doing an IQ test !
Does scoring 200 at an IQ test mean, what?, … that I have twice the neurons than the average man?, that they are twice as fast?, that they are somehow “better connected”? I think not!