Smartest TV or Movie Character?

I’m pretty open to the rules but I’d prefer they be human and based in this world and somehow aren’t divinely inspired or created for the purpose of knowing all the answers intuitively like an oracle or something. Maybe if there’s enough nominations it could be a poll?

It’s up to you how to define intelligence. Problem solving skills? critical thinking skills? wisdom? high test scores? etc.

Here are some of my thoughts:
Will Hunting
Josiah Bartlet
Doc Brown (he did invent a time machine)

Doc Savage and Buckaroo Banzai would have those guys beat.

Agent 86 Maxwell Smart :slight_smile:

Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory? Certainly he would think so.

Dogbert or Dilbert’s garbage man (they qualify due to the TV series).

Nero Wolfe hands down.

Reginald Barclay during “The Nth Degree”.

I don’t watch a lot of different shows, but of the ones I do watch I’d say Greg House . . . at least professionally. His personal life doesn’t indicate much intelligence though.

Peggy Hill! She’s got a 180 IQ (self-estimated)!

Dr Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds would be up there. Graduated high school at age 12, holds Phds is mathematics, engineering and Chemistry plus 3 other BA’s and has an IQ of 187.

Batman’s a scientist.

He’d be my vote.

Sam Beckett, Quantum Leap.

Has an IQ of 267 and graduated from high school at 16. Completed four years worth of classes at MIT in two years. Has seven doctoral degrees (Music, Medicine, Quantum Physics, Archeology, Ancient Languages, Chemistry, and Astronomy) and speaks 11 languages (including English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, and Japanese). Developed the string theory of time travel.


Sherlock Holmes, of course.

And then has most of his mind taken away from him by the swiss-cheese effect.

Anyways, unless there was a population explosion in the far off year of 1999, there is no way he could have a 267 I.Q.

doogie howser, m.d.

Do the characters have to be fictional? Because Einstein and Newton have appeared in TV shows and movies.

No love for Perry Mason?

Hannibal Lecter, M.D.