I’m on Win2k, using WordPad v5.0
Every google search I’ve tried tells me that M$ WordPad doesn’t do “smart” quotes. Those are the curly kind that have to be balanced in open quote and close quote versions, like “this.” Instead, it does the vertical kind, like “this.”
It’s possible to paste smartquotes into WordPad from other documents, just like I pasted them into the SDMB editing form just now as examples. I tend to use WordPad as a quick-loading extended notepad that I paste things from other documents I’m working on.
I’ve had this nominally unavailable smartquote feature turn on by itself more than once, right in the middle of editing a document. When it happens, the feature works exactly the way it does in M$ Word and other full-featured word processors, being decently “smart” in picking the open and close quote versions as I type.
It just happened again, right in the middle of a sentence. The first quote set was vertical, the second set was smart. It’s possible I might have clicked away from the paragraph and possibly WordPad itself at that point; I didn’t notice it was on again until a few paragraphs later. I think I paused in between typing the two different quotes now, but I don’t recall exactly what I did, save that I know I typed them in directly, and did not paste them in from another source. I had been pasting things with smartquotes in from a different source, several times before this happened.
How did it turn on? How do I turn it off short of exiting and restarting? Since the feature isn’t even supposed to be available, of course there’s no menu option for it. My google-fu is failing me. Any ideas?
*** Ponder