Smokey would be PISSED.

Let’s talk about fire for a minute, shall we?

Camping is great, sure. I don’t dispute that at all. In fact, it’s an enjoyable experience for me as well.

I just looked out my window, here in Denver, and I see a plume of smoke rising a few hundred feet up in the air, and covering the whole horizon. I’m about 30 miles from one of the forest fires.

Granted, lightning caused one of the two. Still, some jackass who can’t control a flame started the other.

Here’s more fun for you to consider: In Colorado, you have to get a backcountry pass to go camping in the wilderness. You Are Not Allowed To Start A Campfire In The Backcountry.

Now, I don’t know if this fire was started in the backcountry, or in a designated area, that’s true.

What I do know is that some idiot either built a fire that was too big to control, left a fire unattended, or didn’t properly extinguish the fire when leaving it.

HELLO! The same nature you came out to see and experience, you recklessly destroyed. A pox on you.

Perhaps I’m still just a bit livid, but I think appropriate punishment for the firestarter, in this case, would be to be burned at the stake.

In short, control your fires people. Don’t make them too big, and don’t make them where you are not supposed to. It’s my world too, damnit. I’d rather go see mountains and trees, not dirt and charcoal.

It’s even better when the government does its “controlled” burning. They were supposedly told the conditions were too dry for it but did it anyway. :rolleyes: Did they ever get that fire under control?


I can smell the fires all the way down here.

Remember the Turkey Creek fire a few years ago? Damn, that one did all kinds of damage…

Oh and people, remember to put your cigarettes out in the car, don’t fucking throw them out the window.

I’m with ya, Mr. Cynical. I must admit, though, to a morbid fascination while driving home the other day and watching the huge plume of smoke to the southwest. It was definitely impressive looking.

The plume is huge here in Boulder/Longmont as well. We’re getting in from both sides - Estes is burning as well. I think it’s a lot smaller than the Conifer fires, but I saw the plume a couple days ago.

My contacts are killing me, everyone’s coughing, my head hurts. And we’re probably 75 miles from the fire.

Although I’m fascinated by fire (So what if I’m a pyro), it’s taught me how easily stuff burns. Many people stupidly think that because a campfire is isolated or that it’s no longer burning that it can’t cause it to spread. There have been many fires here in Southern California, some are caused by nature, others are by sheer human stupidity. For example, right across from my school there are a bunch of houses on a hill. Well, there was a guy out in his yard smoking a cigarrette, and when he was finished, flicked it and stepped on it. The fucknut didn’t quite put it out all the way. It ignited the dry grass in his yard, and in less than a minute or two a big tree in his yard was completely engulfed in flames. Luckily, he was able to put it out with his hose after about 20 minutes, and it didn’t cause much more damage other than the tree. That whole area was lucky that this one halfwit didn’t cost them all their homes.

I guess people keep calling the Monument fire department thinking the Monument area is on fire. It’s all the smoke from the fires up north.

Sheesh, I can’t believe I can smell them all the way in fucking Colorado Springs…damn I wish I had cable then I could watch the Denver stations coverage…C Springs stations suck.

Come to think about it, our radio stations suck down here but that’s another rant.

techchick- do you always follow Danielsoftass, or does he always follow you? Which is the bitch?

Catspaw/Sadderbut, Smokey gets pissed at sock puppets, too. Be gone.

Nice one Unclebeer . These/this muppet/s make it as easy as shooting babies in a barrel . :smiley:

Jesus Fucking Christ Almighty on a popsicle stick, first “parrot”, then “catspaw”, what next? “StalkingHorse”? “Mask”? “Facade”? Did the Trollv2.0 come with a thesaurus?