"Snake oil salesman" profiled on "60 Minutes" elected to local office

Lawrence Stowe created phony treatments for ALS, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and other disorders, which led to him serving 6 years in prison after he was exposed on a “60 Minutes” clip that has re-aired several times.

Here’s a newspaper story, although you may need to register to read it.

This is unbelievable to me.

It’s completely believable to me.
I mean, look at Trump.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Republican politics.

This crook is the perfect modern Republican candidate.
He lies smoothly, can raise money from suckers and best of all he states "“It’s just like the people from January 6 (attack on the U.S. Capitol). Those people didn’t commit any crimes.”
No doubt Trump will be endorsing him shortly.

I’m watching that link in another window. I’m surprised that Dr. Stowe (Ph.D. in chemical engineering) didn’t try to come up with something that would make his leg grow back.

And he taps into resentment about “Big Pharma” and the broken US healthcare system.

Honestly, it seems as though Republicans are willing to support pretty much any kind of aggressive opposition to the devastating exploitation of Americans by pharmaceutical and healthcare industry interests EXCEPT the kind of opposition that involves enacting rational democratic reforms to the system and science-based government measures to protect public health.

IOW, they are happy to hate on the myriad failures of American healthcare as long as it doesn’t require them to endorse any solutions that actually work. (shrugsies)

Amazingly the Stowe foundation which was listed in his conviction as being used to promote his bogus treatment is still being allowed to operate and raise money as a non-profit with $500,000 proposed annual operating expenses.

This which probably breaks down as something like:

$50,000.00 fund raising
$5.95 to buy some test tubes and a 9 volt battery to generate his special Hydrate8X.
$449,994.05 Salary for Mr. Stowe.

I did not even have to look to know that the man is a Republican. He’s a poster child for the GOP.

I see trump’s next Surgeon General.

Even though he’s not a physician?

Oh, yeah.

Trump got elected and he’s not a politician. :nauseated_face:

Let’s hope there’s not another “snake oil” interview after the Pennsylvania election for the U.S. Senate.

I wondered if 60 Minutes has had any episodes in 2023 where the interviewers pressed on the subjects and got thrown out. When I was growing up in the 80s those were the interesting episodes to watch. I still appreciate the show when I watch it and it’s interesting to watch the young journalists interview people.