I hope this questions hasn’t been asked before, and no, I’m not asking for personal advice regarding travel. Actually, I’m fond of snakes and would like to know if anyone can answer these basic questions:
1.) On what continent are there estimated to be the largest number of snakes? (In the case of India, it’s probably best to treat the sub-continent as a continent or else the answer will be Asia rather than India.) This gets tricky-sticky when it comes to islands and island groups, and this is worth pursuing if people are interested. I am. Others may not be. Let’s play it by ear. For instance Indonesia could be crawling with snakes, everywhere, underfoot, in your linen closet, in the back seat of your car,–or not. Melanesia may be relatively snake-free, have a low snake population. The Philippines, I suspect, have a high snake population. Madagascar? I haven’t a clue.
2.) Next question: where are the snakes most poisonous? In other words, where is it most dangerous if you see and/or are bitten by a snake? My guess is the Indian sub-continent, but I don’t really know (or I wouldn’t be asking the question). For instance: let’s say your favorite activity is hiking and camping in rain forests and jungles. In the jungles-forests of which continents or island groups is one most likely to be bitten by a poisonous snake and NOT make it safely to the nearest hospital, health care facility or witch doctor?
These are the two burning questions. Lesser issues,–and I’m hoping there’s someone trained in science who can answer these questions:
a.) Are snakes really more numerous in warmer, tropical regions than cooler ones? It appears that way. There are surely few if any snakes in the North and South Poles, but what about the difference between, say, Pennsylvania and Georgia? Or coolish Wisconsin compared to the much warmer Texas? I’m guessing that Florida has a lot more snakes than Maine, but maybe it’s more a matter of size than number.
b.) Is the danger of snakes, i.e. the likelihood that if one meets up with a snake it can bite you, cause you serious harm, even kill you, greater in warmer regions than cooler ones? Once again, just using my intuition, I must say that it seems that way.
c.) More broadly: does anyone know the proportion of dangerous (i.e. constricting or lethal due to their venom) snakes to harmless ones? In the entire planet,–and this is obviously an estimate, as no one can know the precise number–in ballpark terms, what’s the ratio of “safe snakes” to dangerous ones? Two to one? 75% safe, 25% dangerous to lethal?
Serious answers shall be greatly appreciated. These questions are not jokes but they’re obviously not so serious as to require a lengthy scientific explanation. I’m looking for general answers to general questions.