Snakes! With Robot Legs!

At least he hasn’t given the snake arms and hands.


I, for one, welcome our new reptile overlords.

The video title when I first saw it I’m subscribed to Allen Pan) was:
Giving Snakes There Legs Back

Now, it’s been changed to:
Giving Snakes They’re Legs Back

Is this a subtle form of clickbait designed to attract people just to click so they can comment ‘*their’?

Or maybe not clickbait - maybe just trolling pedants?

He should team up with the people making robot hands out of dead spiders.

For those of you who dislike or fear snakes, the good news is that they actually move much slower with robotic legs than they do without them. LOL

Oh, thanks for the video, I found it vastly entertaining!

Snakes have legs already. They just conceal them to prevent panic. As do crustaceans.

And molluscs?