sneeze smell

Is it weird that my sneezes sometimes have a distinct smell? In my hometown there was an electroplating plant (not near my house, though) and it emitted a smell that is much like my sneezes. The smell/taste of blue Freezies (a flavoured ice candy) is also very similar. What’s up with that? I never smell it at any other time. Only when I sneeze and it’s not even every time I sneeze.:confused:

I have often wondered the same thing and i’m glad someone else has mentioned it. Whenever I tell people I can smell sneezes I get laughed at but sometimes they do have very distinct smells.

I have always thought it was down to having a cold as I seem to smell them more when I am ill than at other times thought his could simply be down to the volume of sneezes making it more noticeable. At least now I know i’m not crazy, sneezes smell!!

If I have a cold I can smell something when I blow my nose - I assume it’s the gunk in my sinuses. Could that be what you’re smelling when you sneeze? Do you suffer from sinus problems?

This happens to me, also. It only happens when I’ve got a serious head cold/sinus infection, though. I asked my husband about it the last time it happened, and he said, “Oh good! I’m glad I’m not the only one that this happens to. I thought that if I ever told anyone, they would think I had lost my mind.”
So, yeah. I guess it’s more common than we realize.

Mine have more of a taste than a smell, but I think we’re talking about the same thing. I wanted to join the chorus.

I’d characterize the “smell” of my “big” sneezes as metallic. Apparently, they actually smell like a plating plant.

My WAG is the sneeze might be mechanically triggering a set of smell receptors that correspond to that vaguely metallic smell. I’ve experienced the sudden opening of infected sinus cavities, and that smelled just like what it was - rancid pus.

Interesting theory. I’d be interested to know what other smells people smell when they sneeze.

My gran used to say that glace cherries tasted like sneezes. So I guess her sneezes tasted like glace cherries! I don’t have a sneeze smell/taste; I do, however, have a distinctive “you’ve just been hit in the nose” smell/taste, which is quite different from blood.

LOL. So what does that smell like?

Colophon: I do have allergies but don’t have any sinus problems per se.

And the taste?

There definitely is a smell, and it has nothing to do with what happens to you when you sneeze. I’m sure because my coworker sneezes all the time to my annoyance because I can smell “that smell” every time. yuck.


I have a rather largish, hawk-beak-shaped nose. When I blow my nose in the morning, I have to do it several times and moisturize it to loosen the gunk that builds up overnight.

Here’s my theory: as boogers build up in your sinuses, they dry and form stalactites and stalagmites. Underneath the boogers, however, remains relatively moist. When the boogers are removed, they uncover the moist part underneath them, which smells relatively stronger simply because the top part was removed.

Therefore, my theory is that the smell is always there, but like all smells, you get used to it and stop smelling it after a while (like how most people can’t smell their own bad breath or body odor.) However, moving the boogers around (either through sneezing, blowing your nose, or fingerbanging your honker,) increases the scent enough that your brain “notices” it again.