*sniff* All my co-workers went to lunch without me!

Scotticher I’m with ya all the way on seeing enough of my co-workers during office hours. Who needs lunch with 'em I say!

[sub]Except when it’s go out for sushi day. If they forget me on sushi day, drawer farts would be the least of their worries![/sub] :smiley:

This just in.

I didn’t tell you earlier, but since my boss and cow-orkers “forgot” to tell me about last friday’s afternoon off, I didn’t give the afternoon off to my assistant, so I told her she could have tomorrow afternoon off to make up for it. I told my boss today, in hopes that he would say: OK, you can have it too, since I forgot last week. No go. Nothing, he just mumbled a “whatever” and didn’t say a word. BASTICHHH.

Now it’s going to be BOTH dog poop and cheese.

lothos2002 don’t forget the drawer fart. Even if your boss won’t do it for you, good for you for being good enough to make it up to your assistant. That makes you the good guy forever in his/her eyes. In my eyes too, for that matter.

OOPS! Assistant is a she. Pay attention Swampy! :smack:

Lothos, wait until summer. Then get some limburger and smear it on the heating surfaces in his office. Then wait until it begins to get cold in the fall.

The best revenges are worth waiting for. :wink:

(BTW, I stole the idea from Heinlein’s The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.)

Lothos, how is it that your assistant never said anything?

She didn’t know about it ** Eats_Crayons**, since her desk is in a different area, and the same thing happened to her than me, we just went on and thought it was strange there wasn’t much movement around in the other side of the floor. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but apparently I am NOT very well liked. I didn’t think so before, but oh well. It’s not like I’m missing out on a lot.

Thank you everyone for your support and I have lunch with all of you everyday! Lunchtime is when I read the boards mostly! So thank you for keeping me company.

Poly thanks for the tip, I’ll let you know in several months how the limburger thing went.


Well, of COURSE swampbear was invited TOO…[sub]it was implicite, doncha’ know[/sub]…such a SWEET bear!!! You can eat lunch with me ANYTIME, darlin’…um…not suchi, though…raw fish makes me … ahem…nevermind, but I’d rather eat COOKED food. Okay? Besides which, I don’t eat fish even if it is cooked. [sub]Except salmon, and only if it is BBQ. I am a fishsnob. A COOKEDBBQ’dSALMONFISHSNOB, if you will. I think it is something to do with a childhood trauma. Stay tuned, maybe I will rant someday soon. But probably not. :D[/sub]

BTW, lothos…your boss stinks.


YOU can have lunch with us, TOO! :slight_smile:

I guess we are going to have to rendevous somewhere in…what, Nebraska?

I was left behind at lunch once too. I hate to say this, Eats_Crayons, et al, but it does my heart good to know that I’m not the only one that this has happened to. It’s rather hard to not take it personally. :frowning:

This also happens to me. Heck, I am surprised they told me to evacuate when we had a bomb threat last year at work. We had a big fire drill one year and they didn’t check my area!

Sometimes I think they don’t like me very much…:frowning:

Awwww, thanks Scotti! That’s so sweet of you. But really, I’ve gotten over it. After all, it happened more than 25 years ago. Water under the bridge. It’s not like I’ve carried the trauma with me. Not like I’ve given it much thought over the ensuing years. I mean, moms occasionally forget about their firstborn, right? It’s not that unusual, right? Happens all the time, right?

No, really, I’m fine…


[sub]Oh yeah - I got left behind by the lunch crowd once also, in the pre-email days. Buncha poopyheads.[/sub]

We need to have an event… How about “Ye Olde Banquet of the Snubbed?” Does that sound regal enough?

One part pity-party, two parts celbreation of the fact that we are actually so cool people don’t think they need to invite us because they know they are beneath us.

Sound good?

I am so there.

I’ll bring the party hats…

Boy, all I can think of is what my reaction would be.

YEAH! All my co-workers went to lunch without me!

We’ll need champagne, of course. We could make it a brunch and do mimosas. Oh, and strawberries dipped in chocolate. Sounds like a healthy meal to me! :smiley:

Sounds like more of a cheese-and-whine-tasting party to me…

aaarrrggghhh Ethilrist that one hurt :slight_smile:

Wow, this one hit home. This used to happen all the time at my old job. Only it was deliberate, each and every time.

The only time I got asked to go was when it was my birthday. Employees got to go out and eat free (along with everyone who went with them) on their birthdays.

Once, one of the higher’s up noticed the lack of invite and made that particular occasion’s birthday boy call me from the car on the way, and he apologized and asked if I still wanted to meet them there.

Being the younger, more desperate-to-fit-in person then than I am now, I actually went. I regret that to this day.


Anyway, I did eventually make friends there, after moving to another department. The job still sucked though.