Snot, and things you never wanted to know

We’ve all heard the joke,
Q: what’s the difference between snot and broccoli?
A: Kids wont eat broccoli.

I’m wondering if kids will eat snot how many calories are they getting?

I searched broccoli and found that half a cup has approximately 26 calories.

I searched Google and found that the search term “calories in snot” is apparently an “oddball” search term.

I searched the dope and found lots of interesting threads contain the word snot but no answer as to the number of calories.

So, my question for Dopers to ponder, how many calories in half a cup of snot?

I searched again and [that no thread in General Questions with snot in the title has ever gone without getting at least one reply. Are there none willing to help search for the answers I seek? Has The Straight Dope become less than what it once was?

Maybe, but not about snot. I refues to let this thread be blown off and discarded like a used tissue without at least one reply!

Or to sum up this post in one word - bump.

Does snot digest? Isn’t it already present throughout the alimentary canal?

It is mostly incorporated into the dung in the colon.

I’m not asking if it digests or not but, how many calories it would contain. Like the half cup of broccoli, which the boy is not going to eat will still have 26 calories of potential energy. I’m going to assume that a half a cup of snot will still hold some potential energy.

sounds like you’ll have to collect snot and burn it in a bomb calorimeter and measure the susiquent change in temperature. Or determine the chemical makeup of snot and use the whole 4,4,9,7 conversion thing.

Calories in snot? Not a lot. It’s mostly water and polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are about 4 calories per gram of dry weight. I’d estimate really, really dried boogers would be about 4 calories per gram then.

There ya go!

Mucus is usually about 95% water and 5% salts and glycoproteins.

Half a cup of snot, 125 mL, would thus contain perhaps 6.25 grams of glycoprotein and 25 calories.

Broccoli = 26 calories.
Snot = 25 calories.

There goes the diet :smiley: :eek:

Then again, I would argue that christ could get answers to questions anywhere, if he still has to ask. :slight_smile:

T’is-not I who has the leaky proboscis but my son. His production of snot is a liitle slow but I’m working on collecting the half cup necessary.

More than zero, even Jello has calories and it’s also mostly water. :slight_smile:

I got the 95% water from the what’s in snot thread and the link to “The Masters speaks” but I didn’t know the breakdown of the remaining five percent. Thank you.

Seem to me 26 calories not so good 25 calories even worse, just don’t eat anything with less than say 30 calories. :smiley:

Who do you think thought of this question? We were kickin’ back puffing on a fatty when I told the joke in the OP. He laughed so hard he blew a decent sized green one out his left nostril, turned to me and said “How many calories in snot?” :o