Snotty nose when eyebrows are plucked, why?

I knew that some women went out for this sort of treatment, but I guess I assumed it was in private or something. But, now that I think about it, I have seen clips of it on YouTube of all places, so it obviously isn’t that private.

Your spellchecker thought you meant to type “plucking”?:stuck_out_tongue:

So, from the medical explanation, I’m guessing that the way the sun makes me sneeze is also related to all these nerves (my grandpa used to do that, too - look up into the sun to bring out a sneeze).

Yep, I do the same thing (and so does Dad.) I’ve read photic sneezing is suspected to be due to some kind of crossed wiring involving the trigeminal nerve.

Incidentally, the Straight Dope is the fourth hit for “photic sneeze reflex”.