Snow on April First? You must be joking!

Snow = fun!

From yesterday’s last run:

And it snowed today – still snowing! A terrific day on the slopes.

Spring’s coming!

Oh do shut up. I have a seven year old who went to a friend’s house wearing rubber boots and no snow pants, came home one dripping muddy wet soggy fugging mess.

Nothing breaks my heart like a winter resurgence after my spring fever kicks in!

Perfectly normal around here, and I’ve seen big snowfalls in June a couple of times. And even back in my native Cleveland, there was one year in the 80s when we had several feet at the end of April (which I only remember because it was my birthday, and I thought it was pretty cool at the time).

I was singing that in the Canadian Tire parking lot yesterday. :smiley:

Over the weekend the temperature in my house finally fell below 20 for the first time since November. Blessed, blessed autumn…

Speaking of fevers, I hope you are back on your pins by now.

It’s snowing right now.

I got in a nice run on Saturday, could have run in shorts and t-shirt. Sunday was cold on the slopes in the morning but things were turning to corn in the afternoon. Saturday clearly was the day to be on the slopes, people were reporting mid-winter conditions but I’m OK with spring corn harvest.

I drove to work today in what started as snow and ended as heavy rain. Ugh.