Snowpiercer - The Series

Wait, the last 2 episodes aired last night? Why does Amazon Prime only have episode 9? :unamused: I just accidently learned some major spoilers about the finale.

Nah you didn’t learn anything from this discussion because what happens is utterly unpredictable until it happens.

Speaking of the pandemic; I find it really interesting how seriously they have everyone taking possible diseases (eg the reaction to Miles getting sick). Melanie even brought up how whoever’s on the resupply train could be carrying unknown germs. I doubt that’ll come up in season 2 though. I loved LJ getting demoted to 3rd Class when she doesn’t even know how to peel a boiled egg (& not because she’s never eaten one before). The only member of the Folger family I feel sorry for is the cat (possible the last cat). I wonder what the new order will be like? Wilford obviously knows Melanie betrayed him; why else would send her daughter as his emissary. After some purges I predict it’ll look a lot like the old order. Of course Wilford will keep Ruth in her position; that we get to watch her come to the horrifying realization Melanie was right about everything.

Just watched ep 10 and I have to say that now that they got past the revolution arc the show becomes much more interesting.
Im curious to see how they are going to develop this new story.
I am not sure that Wilford is still alive so this new train might be a clone of snowpiercer.
Hope to see season 2 soon.

Well, Wilford hasn’t taken the train over, so far. I think keeping his crew hungry is going to backfire though. The bath scene with him & Kevin was enjoyable, at least in the beginning. :wink:

There’s a population of 2700 ish people on the train of 1001 cars? Why is there overcrowding? If there are hundreds of cars for food production, then why are there shortages? Are there cars that are just empty, or up to some nefarious cause?

Population density isn’t anywhere close to uniform between classes. Apparently the norm in First Class is one car per household (minus access corridors of course) and they have a lot of luxuries like a bowling ally/spa/etc, Second Class looks like normal hotel rooms, and it’s implied that official Third Class housing is berths and couchette compartments, plus the makeshift setups in the converted cargo cars. On Big Alice everyone except Wilford (& possibly the Headwoods) lives in makeshift berths (it looks like a less crowded version of the Tail section, but with better amenities).

Is anybody still watching? Has the series moved beyond the source material or are we still in the books?

I thought this episode (S2 E6) was interesting in giving some backstory to Melanie and Williford’s relationship as well as providing a glimpse of Melanie’s motivation in leaving him behind - she felt he was unsuited to being in charge of humanity’s survival and hopeful recovery. It also makes it clear that it wasn’t (as earlier implied) that he didn’t make it to the train, but that she actively abandoned him.

Curious as to how they’re going to rescue Melanie from this one though.

I’m still watching and enjoying it. The Mel insanity/flashback episode was excellent. Though I thought it had been established that she left Wilford behind intentionally, that’s why he kept accusing her of stealing his train. And Mel told Layton last season that if he had been on the train, they wouldn’t have lasted a single revolution, so she had to take it from him.

I’m going to hazard a guess that what we saw at the end of episode 6 will wind up being the season-ending cliffhanger. I think we’ll switch back to the train for the next several episodes as they make their way back to the research station, and that story line will continue right up to the last episode until they pass Melanie by.

Another possibility is that she imagined the train passing her. She was sort of the definition of unreliable narrator in that ep.

Agreed. We knew it was deliberate. I just didn’t realize that he was literally standing there watching the train leave. I assumed he was on his way and she left early.

Again agreed, and I thought of that, but I suspect that @muldoonthief has it correctly. Obviously, a lot has happened on Snowpiercer that we haven’t seen yet.

Either Miss Audrey has a really complicated plan, or she’s had a relapse of Stockholm Syndrome. Either way the power dynamics between her and Wilford are interesting. And all those red lights. :open_mouth:

Poor Kevin. I really hope those Buffalo wings were worth it.

Heartburn is the worst thing I face when I eat Buffalo wings.

Well, that was a big episode. Just the 2 hour season finale in 2 weeks. I feel bad for Roche, his speech about “Wilford designed this train with ports to freeze off people’s limbs” and he winds up in a freezer drawer anyway.

It seemed inevitable that Wilford would take over by the end of the season, though I wouldn’t have guessed this method. But creating a crisis that only he could solve? I’m guessing Boki’s experience/testimony may come into play in the finale. It’s obvious that the Breachmen are respected on the train nearly as much as Wilford himself.

BTW, the show was renewed for Season 3, and according to Mickey Sumner (Till), they started filming this month.

I just don’t understand Layton.

After Wilford helps you out, you drag him down to the subtrain, torch him, then tell the train that he heroically gave his life saving the train from the crisis and show the crisped body. Announce an annual Wilford Day in his honor, his memory never to be forgotten. Hell, build him a little shrine and encourage people to worship there.

Agreed. Also I’m a little confused why Roche and his family were put in the Drawers? Didn’t they light a red lantern in the end?

Layton knew that no one would buy that story. Wilford had been heard on the PA system announcing he was in the Engine. If Layton showed up with a charred corpse later, he’d have had his limbs frozen off one at a time. He’d lost, and he knew it.

Roche may have lit a lantern to protect his family, but he was also one of Layton’s biggest, and most important supporters. There’s no way the plot to get rid of the Jackboots works without Roche cooperating. Wilford has no interest in anyone on the Train having power who isn’t 100% devoted to him.

Maybe, but if current politics have taught us anything, they’ve taught us that people can believe multiple contradictory worldviews so long as it’s to their benefit to do so. So, ANOTHER armed revolution with no clear leader (who will lead? That one guy from 3rd class?) or believe the lie and keep the peace? 40-60 would be my guess and that might be enough.

Don’t know if this is mentioned in the books or not, but it seems like Big Alice has a lot of KEY supplies for Snowpiercer. Was the plan to have her following the whole time? If so, what was the point of building a supply/extra power train that you leave behind when you can’t stop?

Yeah, if you literally have a “God module”, that the train absolutely, positively, under any circumstance can’t run without, and it’s fragile enough that something that happens outside the train can destroy it, you bring more than one. Maybe more than fifty.