Just wondering my customer ask 55-60% with moisture raw hide(bovine) for raw material of gelatin.
I don’t know how they will made but should I offer them both Cow/Buffalo hides? use for raw material of gelatin?
Just wondering my customer ask 55-60% with moisture raw hide(bovine) for raw material of gelatin.
I don’t know how they will made but should I offer them both Cow/Buffalo hides? use for raw material of gelatin?
Yes it CAN, but you probably want to ask them because depending on what they are producing the gelatin for they may want only bovine.
FWIW, I worked in the Eastman Gelatin (Kodak) plant in Peabody, MA in the '60s making film stock. We unloaded and liquified a zillion tons of cow bones from Argentina, but I never saw any hides go into the mix.
I would normally imagine that the leather from the hides would be worth more industrially [garment and luggage, frex] than just rendering it into gelstock.
The customer specifically requested bovine hides though.