So how long until Ashcroft starts issuing the yellow crescent moons?

I was going to ask in this thread, wherein overlyverbose tells us that, after 9/11, she and her East Indian husband were under surveillance by orders of the Missouri Supreme Court. Wouldn’t have been appropriate there, though, so I’m asking here.

I’m really only half joking. The prevailing attitude right now is that tighter security is better than no security. But with all the cases of people being detained or worse because they “fit the profile”, and then being released, free of charges but with their reputations and pride irreparably damaged, I can’t help but think that we’re only a few steps away from an identifier like that.

It could be sold to us so easily. No more wondering if your seatmate is one of Them. No more uncertainty about what that guy at Home Depot is really going to do with all that fertilizer, or what those bearded guys talking funny in the next booth at Denny’s are really on about. And of course, if you don’t have the identifier, you know you won’t be cavity-searched at the airport! 9/11, 9/11, and god bless America.

So, reassure me! Tell me why it won’t happen.

*Disclaimer: I could have sworn I saw someone ask the question in the title a few weeks ago, in the thread about the “suspicious” Vegas-bound ME musical group. I would give credit to the poster, if I could find their post; I still will if they see this and claim it. *

Well I for one didn’t realize Ashcroft had control of the Missouri Supreme Court.

Give it 20 years. Maybe 15.

How’s that national Id initiative going anyway?

The idea would be to have one across-the-board policy, to take pressure off individual departments.

With all due respect to overlyverbose, I question her claim that she received a notice from the Missouri Supreme Court that “it” was monitoring her family’s phone, etc. The Missouri Supreme Court is an appellate court. Moreover, I’m unaware of ANY court ANYWHERE in the country that engages in any such activity. Trial court judges approve search warrants, which can include approval to tap phonelines but courts don’t monitor phones and it sure as hell doesn’t make any sense to give notice to a target that their phone is tapped. Maybe it was a notice that the phone had previously been tapped? (Not that that’s much comfort). And, as treis pointed out, John Ashcroft does not control the Missouri Supreme Court.

Any criminal lawyers or Missouri lawyers out there who can clarify?

What the–

I already had my SocSecNo tattooed on my forehead! Why can’t they get together and standardize this shit?

See the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators and their current actions , and EPIC for how it’s going. Sigh.

And when do we start seeing the pink hearts, orange stars, and green clovers?

I think you mean shamrocks.

Yeah, lets get those Gays, Pagans, and Irish too!


I don’t doubt that some on the far right would find this idea magically delicious.

[Taggart]We’ll take the Gays and the Pagans, but not the Irish.[/Taggart]

Actually that was Olson Johnson, not Taggart.

“First they came for the Pink Hearts
and I did not speak out
because I was not soft and chewy
Then they came for the orange stars
and I did not speak out
because I was not a tangy and crunchy
Then they came for the green clovers
and I did not speak out
because I was not minty fresh
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.”

When they start with the blue diamonds -
THEN we line 'em up against the wall.

Shalmanese, now I finally know what Dopers are talking about when they say “you owe me a new keyboard!”

I’m copying that one down.

–As attributed to Pasturized Niemoller